

What keeps us motivated?
I'm stuck in this same place since an hour now, without knowing where to start from.
Should I chuck this and get back to scrolling insta or fb? Or randomly start with; and make you think why am I writing, when I don’t really know where to start, to reach the ultimate goal?
Well, to scribble anything about motivation is no big deal. We have our own Google Uncle for that. But what will make difference here is something we all need to understand and accept.
There were 2 best friends Motivation and Brain. Brain told to Motivation - "Bro it is so easy to work when I have you along with me".
Motivation randomly replied to Brain - "You're right, but it's YOU who take all the decision. I’m there even when you overlook me.”
It has always been very - very easy to be motivated and also to be de-motivated. It’s just the game of your brain. Do you realise that goal of our lives has become so TOUGH that there is no motivation left.? Ever thought, is the “motive of life” behind which you are running currently, really wanted by you?
If grabbing the best package is your goal, is working like a donkey from 9-5 your ultimate aim with no fun and only sacrifice? Sacrifices of dreams, family and friends..
If you look deeper: Currently, to cure and save the nation is the motivation of our Frontline Heroes!
To reach home without leaving breath is the motivation for the migrant workers!
Standing in lines for few minutes seems difficult when we talk about the lines at mall’s payment section. But damn..... we’ll stand in line for hours to stock up the spirits!
What exactly is motivation? The urge of constant and continuous victory. The phenomenon that keeps you determined to accept the challenges and still move AHEAD without looking back.
When you know, your work will bring validation and appreciation among your group of known ones, you are all charged up to do anything. And guess what, you achieve what you want! Motivation is always ruled by some sort of incentives and perks.
The toughest thing about motivation is that it is dominated by brain frequently. Prepare your brain to understand the motivation and implement it rightly. Sky would be the limit for you.
Life is full of opportunities, even this lockdown period. How we take it and accept to give our 100% is what makes the difference.!

#happyreading! #WritcoPrompt