

Don't disobey God!
Jehovah is the pilot of humanity, if He is absent for a second, then we all are doomed, but the goodnews is that it can never happen and never will it!, God cannot leave His plane, because He has been piloting it from the beginning of creation.

We've automatically boarded this plane at the moment we were born, and it will take us soaring for adventure throughout our lifetime, and He will only let you land when it's your fulfilled time to die, you cannot be in the adventure forever, because you have to let new passengers in. Ecclesiastes 1:4 says "One generation passeth away, and another
generation cometh: but the earth(plane) abideth for
But you can use your act of disobedience towards God to cut this adventure short, by jumping out of the plane when it's not yet time for you to land, it's only you that can choose to leave the plane so early when it's still flying, and that's suicide, you've signed untimely death.

Disobeying His commandments is like telling Him you can do things on your own and you can get to your destination all by yourself.

Adam and Eve were the first to disobey God, by doing so, they signed a death warrant, their death certificates were already issued to them even before they die the physical death. Others that disobeyed God in the bible never had a good ending, you can ask from King Saul, Mr Samson, Prophet Moses ended up not seeing the "promise land" upon the leadership skills, but God gave Evangelist Jonah another chance to eventually obey Him.

God is so nice that He gave us two options, and still pleads that we should choose life. Let's obey His commandments so that our days may be long. (Deuteronomy 30:19, Deuteronomy 6:1-2).

Remain blessed😇
