

Oh, How His Smile Kills
Walking down the hall of the college library on a day so dry, so still.
It could make even the happiest of day seem so unusual.
For I fear my own presence of response of emotion.
Feeling half here, half present
I walk over to my desk to put up my belongings

Before I began to study I suddenly realize u left something in the car I needed.
I started to walk back to my car. I walked down two flights of stares before I get on the last floor.
I began speed walking realizing there were not as many people in the hallway as before.
Then, something hits from the side of my arm bumping me into the wall.
I looked up to only see a guy, or rather him......the most indescribable thing of a person.

I jumped back in terror of him. Not because of this awkward bump.
But it was some kind of weirdness that was engaging from him that I could not entirely explain at that moment.

"Hi, he said.
"I see you drop this."

"Are you in a hurry." He asked.

"I am, sorry. And yes I am in a hurry." I replied.

Thinking out loud.. I could not help but I never seen him around campus until today.
"I do not mean to come a little forward but you are kind of invading my personal space ." I replied.

He replied, "I did not know I was a little too close. I am sorry.''

I looked up at the time on my watch and realize I already wasted so much time already.

So I grab my keys from his hand and hurried off to my area leaving him standing alone without a thank you or goodbye.

Later, I grab groceries on my way home. I manage to get home safely through the traffic.

As I am walking in to my apartment.

I place my groceries in the fridge and began walking toward the bathroom to turn on the shower.

I walk out of the bathroom.

I began walking toward my computer and voice-mail to check for emails and messages.

There was nothing.
For everything was empty. So I enter the bathroom and slightly closed the door behind me.

While showering and washing my hair I could not help to think of the guy I met earlier.

How strange seeing him. He certainly does not look like he was around these parts of town.

Thinking out loud, "Maybe, he is an exchange student." Well, wherever he came from I sure hope whatever the feeling I have gotten for him. I sure hope that was the last time.

At the moment I could not tell you if I wanted to be with him or maybe it was myself not feeling so good.

I have to be honest with myself.

It was a strange feeling.

Whatever how he made be feel I could not put my finger quite on what is was.

I hope it was my last time ever seeing him.

A few days have passed.

I find myself at the city carnival and the park.

I volunteer backstage at one of the game stand.

Thinking to myself.

I have been for volunteering for 2 years which equivalents to 4 carnivals.

It feels good to do something rewarding for the community at times.

Not only that but it gives an opportunity to meeting new people and allow myself not be so introverted.....

Two hours has passed and I have to go to the ladies room.

As I walked out the bathroom and walking towards the entrance and sitting area of the restroom building I see the guy at the library.

He is on the phone turned the opposite way.

Thinking out loud.

Good, I can walk pass him without noticing myself here.

As I walk passed him. I get 10 feet from him.

I here him yell.

I slightly jolted as I hear his voice. I keep walking and tried not to turn towards him.

Maybe, he would not notice.

So, I speed up. And walked away back to the booth...

An hour has passed since my break and it was now to take my fifteen minute break.

I walk over to the concession stand.

And realize the line was longer than usual.

After five minutes of waiting I turn back to go back my game stand.

Later, the nightfall has came after six hours of volunteer it is time for cleaning and going home.

After cleaning for the next shift of person.

I find myself tired. It had gotten really hectic the last three hours of the shift.

I walked over to the edge of the street trying to get a taxi on the way home because my car had gotten a flat tire yesterday morning.

It has been 3 minutes and still no taxi.

I here a couple voice from behind so I slightly turn my head to give myself a confirmation of the idea of whose voice

And there he was.

He is standing there say his goodbyes to a woman with a kiss on the lips and goodbyes of the night.

So I turned my head to mind my own business.

I move over to see the cab come toward me and I hop in.

Thinking out loud. What a day.

Hey, driver I said.''

Can you stop by the nearest service station before you get my apartment.

Sure thing, ma'am.

He replied.

I suddenly got a pain from feet on standing on concrete on my shift.

I arrived at a sevice station.

I walked in and he is here.

I did a quick stop before entering. Glazing for the number of aisle of the aspirin.

As I walk toward the aisle.

Hi, he replied.

How are you doing?

I am good. How about yourself?

Excuse, my manners but I did not manage to get your name. He replied

It is Yari. I replied

My name is Leland. He spoke.

As I finish grab the aspirin from. the counter aisle I see him reach his arm from across the way.

Nice to meet you. He replied.

Nice to meet you too. I replied as I shake his hand.

Thinking out loud to myself.. And there it is again. There is his smile.

A flash of out first meet and until will slow imagery employ my head.

It sends a slight shrugg and chills from behind me.

A charismatic charm and dangerous arch of a smile he has.

If his smile could tell a story. The story would be a profound one.

Oh, how his smile could kill.

I am sorry Leland. I will have to going now.

Okay, he replied.

Would like to go out on a date or hang out? He replied.

A lot of things have change in town since the last time I lived here and would like to get reintroduce to the city.

I do not think your girl would like that very much.

My girlfriend, he replied.

I worked at the carnival I saw you kissing the girl not too long ago in the night.

Oh, she is not my girlfriend. He replied.
We have been dating for a few weeks.

I am sure, I replied.

I really have to be going as I turn away from the cashier at the front counter.

Thank you, but no thank you. I replied

It was nice meeting you again. Have a good rest of the night. I replied.

You, too. He replied......

He began to checkout at the register......

One month later.......

I get home late from work. As I am walking up my apartment. I see my mailbox is full and there is a couple packages at my door.

I open the door.

I drop the mail on the side of the entry table and boxes on the floor next.

I take a couple more steps to take off my heels.

I sigh and walked over toward the sofa after grabbing my mail and see I have I letter from my book club instructor informing their will be someone else instructing the club for tomorrow.

Great, I replied out loud.

It have been a rough couple of weeks and now this.

I guess I would take a shower and get myself ready for tomorrow.....
I slowly walked toward my bedroom.....

Tomorrow is here and it is 3:45 pm on this Saturday evening.

I enter the building ten minutes before. Already I see there is only portion of the group is here.

I sit down and I grab my satchel to place my belongings upright on the table.

And I hear again. This familiar voice.

Hi, everyone, He replied.

I am Leland. He spoke.

I turn to see him.

And this impossible grin is on my face right now.

He turns around after placing his bag inside the desk.

He looks at everyone. But at myself at particular.

Thinking out loud...What is it with this guy?

And his smile...I know now it is something I am still no use to.

I am starting to think I will not ever get use to with him......

The club began it readings.........

The club did not last it normal two and half hour class.

But it was good enough.

Everyone began to pack there belongings to go home for the evening.

I walk out the room.

Before leaving the building I stop by the ladies room.

I walk out and I see Leland twenty feet from down the hall.

Hi, he yelled. He sped up to reach me.

Hi, I replied back.

I turn toward the glass door of the building and began walking toward the exit.

Yari, He replied.

Why are you in a rush. He replied.

I turn around I'm not in a rush.

I am not in a rush. It is somewhere I have to be. I replied.

Ok, would you like to get coffee sometime.

I would like to get someone to help catch up on the book and tell me your thoughts about it. He replied.

I would love to but I am busy.

Actually I know Jen or Sarah they will be available.

They are usually the ones who do after club meetings

Their numbers are hanging on the wall in room C2-1. I replied.

I already ask they are not available. He replied.

Are you trying to avoid me? He replied.

I am not. I just do not have time lately.

I have a busy schedule the next couple of week

I feel like I did something wrong. He replied.

No....no I just not interested.

Are you not interested in doing the book review or actually getting to know me. He replied.

I do not have time in my schedule.

to be continued.

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