

Rebirth and Revenge:(chapter 1:The death of Michelle)
She lay on the cold bare floor with tears in her eyes as she stared at the abomination in front of her. Her best friend and her fiance,how could they do this to her? Her family destroyed,face disfigured,living a life worse than death,all these were caused by the two people she trusted the most!
"rose,Jaden,how could you guys do this to me?"she wailed in anguish.
"Michelle, i think you're mistaken,we didn't take anything from you,we just took back what was rightfully ours"Rose sneered as she looked down at Michelle with a scorning look.
Jaden just stood at the side looking down at Michelle with indifference.This was a guy she had loved and given everything up for, Michelle sneered at herself and mocked,"oh Michelle you must have been blind and foolish not to have seen their true faces all these while", saying that,she stood up and walked to the end railings of the bridge and as she stood there,she turned to look at Rose and Jaden with deep hatred in her eyes,"Rose, Jaden,if there be a second chance for me to live,I swear that I'll pay you back tenfold for all you've caused and brought to me and my family!"saying that she turned and jumped into the sea beneath the bridge. Rose and Jaden were shocked by these course of actions but they quickly retained their indifferent expression and left. And that was how the once lofty and pampered young miss Michelle was gone from the world. Wait for the next chapter and indicate if I should continue.