

Reincarnation (Chapter 4)
"Does it hurt Ting'er?" He asked gently as he brushed his thumb over my face where the FL slapped me at. "Mhm..." I nodded with a pitiful look.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt soon" He said as he used one finger to get the cream in the jar and spread it over my face evenly.

He began rubbing at the spot gently but never really stopped, I looked at him confused so I called out "Gege? Are you done?" I asked.

"*Cough* Yes...You're cheeks are really smooth and nice to touch." He said with the tip of his ears going a little red.

He raised up his other hand and lightly pinched the other side of my cheek gently.

"Owieee. Don't pinch me brother!" I pouted pushing his hand away. "Alright..." He trailed off as I saw him reluctantly let go of it. "Gege... So what should I do now in the meantime?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry. I'll take care of you from now on." He said with an affectionate tone as he rubbed my head gently.

My eyes glimmered before I exclaimed, "Let's see father!" "Mhm... Let's go." He nodded as he held my hand and walked at my pace.

"Gege... What if stepmother tries to harm me because of what happened with jiejie[1]?" I asked with a worried expression plastered on my face.

[I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the previous chapters or not.]
[1]: Older sister

"Don't worry, your brother will protect you." He replied with a righteous look to which make me giggle softly. "Than I'll be in your care from now on than Gege."

~Host your brother's favorability increased to 130~

~It's infinite, but the higher the favorability. The more things you can ask from him and he will have the utmost trust with you.~

"By the way... Where did you learn how to curse from?" He asked me, "Curse? That scary lady called me that so I called her that back." I pouted childishly.

"Well you shouldn't learn from ill-mannered people." He grunted out. "Gege... Should I change my clothes first? It's dirty." I whined lifting my hand up as I spot some mud stains on the simple dress.

"Mn." He nodded as he changed directions towards a room. He pushed the door open as I saw a maid cleaning this room.

~A spare room.~

"Get a set of clean clothes for her. Make sure it looks nice " He ordered, as the maid looked at him shocked. Her face however, immediately turned inti a shade of light pink as she looked flustered under his sharp gaze.

She looked at him up and down and greeted, "O-of course extinguished guest." Before she looked up and saw me beside him, she click her tongue lightly before she escorted me to a smaller enclosed room.

Still giving my brother a polite smile until we left the room, her face immediately changed to a scowl as she scowled at me. "Who's that?"

I didn't reply her as she harshly threw a set of maid clothes at me, "Ouch." I winced feeling it hit directly at the wound on my cheek. It wasn't swollen anymore but it still stings, "Answer you me you stupid slut! Seducing all this man!" She exclaimed pulling onto my hair.

I opened my mouth ready to scream when she warned, "If you dare to scream I'll punish you harshly." I closed my mouth as she looked at me satisfied but just as she was about to say something I cried aloud hoping to catch my brothers attention.

~Host, your crying caught his attention.~

"Shut up!" She hissed harshly as she tried to pacify me, I however ignored her soothing and began crying louder than before. The door slammed open as my brother stormed in, "What do you think you are doing!" He asked authoritatively.

"S-she suddenly threw this clothes on my face and called me a slut and a bitch." I cried out, the maid looked shocked before she began acting.

"Oh extinguished guest, I never said that to you. You are the most beautiful person this slave has seen, you must have heard me wrongly." She began dramatically as some tears came out from her eyes.

"G-Gege she was the maid that was hurting me, she warned me not to tell anyone but I remember she pushed me into the pond once to drown me." I said out pitifully.

"What!?" He exclaimed loudly as she paled, he watched her body language before he whistle shortly. A guard came down from nowhere before my brother ordered him to capture her and throw her to the prison.

He nodded before he swiftly left, disappearing with the unconscious maid. "Gege, I'll just change into this clothes." I told him, still sniffling.

He looked at me clothes and frowned, "That's the maids clothing." He trailed off with an unhappy expression. "But... I don't have any other clothes." I replied hin.

"Alright Gege will buy some beautiful clothes for you. Wait for me here." He said as he turned to leave.

I however held my hand out and grip on his clothes, "Don't leave me here... What if people bully me." I whimper slightly.

He froze and stiffened slightly at the sudden contact before he relaxed slowly, "Wear this men's clothing first. It's best that you disguise as a man... So people won't look at you." He states, passing me some male clothes that his shadow guard brought.

~Host looks like he wants to spend time with you now.~

I teased the system lightly.

~Host... Did anyone tell you, you're mean.~

I mimicked using a high pitched voice.

"Did you just whisper something Gege?" I asked him, seeing as he suddenly began muttering incoherent stuff under his breath.

"Nothing much dear sister. Just thinking of ways to get rid of potential flies." He answers to which I shrugged in response behind the folding screen as a dressing room.

"Hmm... Is this how you wear it?" I asked as I came out of the screen with the clothes randomly placed on by me. He stared at me with shock as I gulped nervously, but he suddenly chuckled as I stared at him confusedly.

"I forgot that you probably don't know how to wear clothes." He said as he stepped forward and fixed my clothes.

Smoothing the clothes before tying a sash around my waist, he went behind me and even tidied up my hair for me.

"Thank you Gege." I say with a smile. "Mn." He replied but I could see the warmth in his eyes.

He than presented a full length mirror for me as I twirled around, "Woah I look different." I marvelled.

"You look nice." He said nodding stiffly at my appearance.

"I look like an actual guy." I said as he gave a silent nod.

"Let's go." He said, holding out his hand for me.

I stared at it shocked but grabbed onto it with a smile, "Yes."

[Thanks for reading this guys]
© Naruko