

Unopened Letter
I hate myself but you love my flaws
You were there on my ups and downs
You made me smile yet I made you cry
Your patience was big as your heart
Your love was unconditional

Your heart screams because of pain
And I let your tears fell
You've waited for so long
But I take it for granted
and let you go

Until one day, I woke up saw you held another's hand
She made you laugh and love you for who you are and what you have
And here I am, longing for you
What's happening? Is this true?

The day has come for you to rise
Remove those tears and wear that smile
With the woman of your life, to stay by your side.
The only I can do is to pray for your happiness
that you didn't felt when I'm with you

This letter for you will remain unopened, words unspoken .
