

My Yoga Journey
my story started 15 years ago. Back then I was in the middle of my doctorate residency on orthodontics. I started having shoulder aches, and I came acros a dvd on a chain bookstore. It was about some kind of "yoga". I purchased it, came home, and played it on the cd player. I followed the teacher till the end. Continued it for at least a month. Nothing happened, my aches did not cease. I gave up. Then I started a gym. Among many things, I experienced their yoga class, with a headline so-called flow. It was not flowing, I couldnt help but thinking it shouldnt have been like this. I stopped following the not flowing flow.
Then, in 2007 I attended a restorative yoga class of my physician. Asanas were ok, but it did not give me contentment, something was missing. Years went by, I got my degree, started my practice and magnetized by the idea of finding a correct yoga class for my needs, which are, protect myself from experiencing musculoskeletal illnesses that are very common in dentists. This time I was going to investigate better and choose a better yoga class. Then a previous book came up to my mind. I hadvread it the year before, in a surgery room waiting for my orthognatic patient to take her stiches and to be awakened. The book was Yoga: What is it? What is not? by Akif Manaf. It was a perfect book on principles of yoga. I decided to go for it! I took my computer, opened the search engine, and looked up to his yoga school. There was one in my town. I went there, attended to a trial lecture, an voi la! That was it!. From breathing techniques to asanas, from pratyahara practice to concentration and meditation methods, it was a perfect flawless flow. It was the picture of flow on the dictionary. Now I knew what flowing was. And my journey began that day. Its been 9 years, I am 42 now, and free from carpal tunnel syndrome, neck hernia, frozen shoulder, tendinitis and so on. I made a right decision, and was very lucky to have found a real yoga master, and I have found the original yoga system; the perfect yoga practice from 0 to 100.
Dear yoga lovers out there! I know, you sometimes experience that there is something that does not feel right during poses or breathing. I know, I came from there. This is because, you shoul be doing the asanas in the correct order, using breathing techniques in the correct order, and should follow a correct sequence. If not, a flow cannot flow. This is why you experience injuries during yoga practice. This is why you arestill struggling with depression. Because incorrect sequences with deformed asanas cannot guve you the real benefits of yoga. Besides, you should be performing yama and niyama principles. Without yama and niyama, even the perfect sequence of asanas will not help you. I want to finish by recommending my one and only guide books on asana and pranayama techniques: first Asanas - The art of body development and second Pranayama - The art of breathing, both by Great Yoga Master Paramahamsa Yogacharya Maha Yogi Akif Manaf.
Have a very nice week, stay safe, and experience original yoga system.