

"How am I different from him?" you asked while staring at the ceiling of the room. I scoot closer, put my right arm over your chest and my right leg over your torso.

"He was a dream. I created this ideal image of him in my mind as the only person I would fall for. I created a museum of our memories and all the things I like about him, and I stayed there adoring everything over and over again. I locked myself inside and made it my home. I used to live in the illusion that we could be something. I lived hoping that one day we would see each other again and finally be together. I didn't know I was only dreaming until you came and woke me up. You kept knocking until I opened the door and went outside of that museum. I must say you are not the same as the one I've been dreaming about for so long, but I have to admit you are so much better in a way that you became the reality I needed. You taught me how to live with what is in front of me instead of lingering in the past and hoping alone for something impossible. I realized that he was just a beautiful nightmare, while here you are, opening the windows and letting the sun kiss my skin. I never once dreamt of you and I never will because I'd prefer loving you with my two eyes open, instead of sleeping."

You turned to me and I can see the smile hiding behind your eyes.

"You are here with me right now, and that makes all the difference."
–Myka M. Obinque

Photo: @ibaiacevedo (IG)