

Keep keeping on
Continue in whatever good and worthy vision and dreams you've set for your life. Whatever you want to achieve or get is possible only if you don't give up. Don't give up too soon, for success is not achieved on a silver platter, and every true vision will be tested for its authenticity. As the purity of Gold is tested and refined through fire, so shall your dreams and whatever you aspire to become will also be tested by fire of adversity, trials and various hopeless situations that may arise in the pursuit of that worthy vision.

This trials are not there to harm you but to refine and clarify whatever you are seeing. Keep holding on to it and don't get discourage about it. Patiently trust the process. Don't rush if you are not seeing any results. Take a baby step, one step at a time daily to move closer and more closer to your goal.

Remember: it's not about how fast you can move but is about the progress you make. Free your mind and never be boarded about those who are ahead of you, just be focus on what you are doing and do it well. Others achievement doesn't limit you, as far as they were able to achieve, you are also able to do same and even more than that. Life actually is not a raise but it's not also a recipe to be stagnant and sit on the sidelines and watch others moving.

Don't be on the sideline of life and be a spectator. Don't be a spectator, you are also part of the game, gird your self up and fasten your belt and be in the journey. You are also able.

Success is for everyone but without the proper mindset and determination to succeed life will push you to the sidelines. Be resilient and relentless to the push of life and rise up to be and achieve what you want to achieve.

Stay blessed.....🤝🏻😊
© Pascal