

Sold (continued2)
I stood in the middle of the store looking around at the different dresses hanging on racks and mannequins. Steve was off talking to the store manager while I tried to focus on atleast one dress. "Miss, this lady is going to help you with picking a dress and fitting it for you." He appeared beside me with a woman that looked like she could be old enough to be my mother. "So...What kind of dress would you like love? Long, short on that trails out at the back?" I just looked at her and blinked. "Okay...So how about I take you to the fitting rooms and just bring a couple of different styles through for you to try on, doesn't that sound better?"

She walked over to curtain and pulled it back ushering me inside. I stepped in and noticed that it was a short hall with about six doors. I opened the first and looked in. There was a small bench and a full length mirror. I stepped in and closed the door behind unsure of what to do next. There was a knock on the door and opened it. The lady stepped in holding about five dresses up as she did. I closed the door as she hung the dresses up on a hook. "Ok, so I've started you off with a couple of mid length dresses and a couple of short formal dresses. I took a guess at the colours and pulled ones that were mostly blue, black and a couple of purples. Now would you like a hand trying them on?" my eyes widened and I looked past her at the dresses. "Yes please, absolutely." she smiled brightly and proceeded to prepare the dresses.

We tried all the dresses on me and not one had felt right so the lady had stepped out to find some more for me to try. There was a soft knock on the door and I heard a man clear is throat uncomfortably. "Miss sorry to intrude...But I found a dress on one of the racks that I think you might like or atleast feel a little more comfortable in then the others." I opened the door slightly and looked at Steve. He had his face looking away from the door while holding the dress out towards me. I smiled at the gesture. "Thank you Steve...I'll try it on now." I took the dress from his hand and he turned away without looking at me once. I closed the door and hung the dress up on the hook.

I looked at the dress and ran my hand down the fabric. It was a really soft satin. There was a tight fitting bodice that had a soft see through material that went up and over one shoulder. A split went all the way down the leg length on one side of the dress allowing for easier movement. The entire dress was black with a small splash of delicate diamontes across the shoulder strap. All up I really did like the dress. It was delicate and stunning. The store lady knocked quickly before entering with another handful of dresses.

"Oh you found a dress dear! Would you like to try it on now?" She smiled at me happily. I looked at the dress and for a second considered leaving with out a dress but Steve had put some consideration into something for me so the least I could do was try it on. "Yes please...Oh and Steve picked it out for me." I said smiling back at her. "Such a sweet thing and a good taste in dresses I must say." She unzipped the dress and held it open for me to step into. I stepped in carefully and put my arm into the shoulder strap as she slid the dress up into place. I held the front of the dress as she carefully did the zip up. She adjusted the material of the dress and stepped back smiling. "Done."

I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress looked truly stunning. It hugged all my curves perfectly but it still allowed me free movement which was a relief. I turned from side to side admiring myself. I couldn't help but smile. I liked it. It was perfect. "Can I show Steve please?" The lady smiled at me brightly. "Of course dear. Come on." she led me out of the changerooms and into the main store where Steve was waiting on a chair patiently.

"Steve." He looked up from his phone at me and I smiled. "Thank you." He stood up from the chair shocked and just stood there for a moment starring at me like he was seeing me for the first time. "You look...Amazing...The dress is a perfect fit..." He seemed almost lost for words. I blushed and looked down at the floor. "Do you like it?" He asked finally. "Yes I do. I think it's perfect." I looked at him. "Then we'll take it." He looked at the lady. She smiled happily and clapped her hands together. "Good! So let's go back and change you out of it and I'll bag this up for you." She almost bounced back to the changerooms. I followed her back feeling better than I had when I walked in.

I was standing next to Steve while the lady bagged the dress carefully. She handed it to Steve and processed the payment quickly. Steve thanked her as we turned and left the store. "We still need to get you shoes and jewellery. So two more stops and then we can head back hopefully in enough time to get you up stairs and ready before everyone starts to arrive." My eyes widened. "We don't have to worry about the jewellery if that would help make everything quicker? You can also pick the shoes for me...I wouldn't even know what to pick anyway that would suit the dress." He opened the door and looked at me, tilting his head side ways slightly. "It would make things quicker...Fine, but you have to wear what ever shoes I pick for you." I stared at him for a moment then nodded in agreement before sliding in the back seat.

We stopped by a shoe store on the way out of town where I waited in the car for Steve while he went in quickly. It only took him a few minutes and he reappeared with a box which he put on the front passenger seat. "Can I have a look at them?" He looked over his shoulder at me. "No. Not until later when you need to. Now we have to get back I got a message telling me the masters where back and everyone was starting to set up." He turned around and started the car. We headed off down the road as the sun started setting. I watched the same trees pass by quickly until we pulled up next the mansion. I noticed a few other cars parked near the house as well and started to feel nervous. "Do I really have to attend tonight Steve? I mean if it's that important shouldn't I just stay out of the way?" Steve turned and looked at me seriously. "You have to attend. You are viewed as the masters ward therefore you are apart of their lives in a different way to say...Miss Jo or myself. Essentially you are a member of their family for as long as you live here."

Steve climbed out of the car leaving me thinking about what he had just said. He opened door and stepped back waiting for me to climb out of the car. I slid out and stood up while he closed the door. "You are aware that I'm to old to be considered a 'ward' of anyone?" He looked at me and blinked as he shut the door absentmindedly. "How old are you?" I stepped past him and around the car. "Technically as of today...I'm nineteen." I turned away from him and walked up to the front doors where I stopped and waited for him.

"Happy birthday then." He said as he stepped up next to me and opened the door. "You will be having to make some decisions soon then..." He trailed off as he walked through the door. I frowned at his back wondering what he ment. I followed him inside and up the grand staircase. We walked down the hallways in silence until we reached my room. I opened the door and Steve stepped through walking over to the bed where he lay the dress down carefully. He placed the shoe box on the floor next to it and started walking back towards me. "What choices were you meaning Steve?" He stopped and looked at me cautiously. "Nothing really...Just you've become a young woman...At some point there will always be choices to make..." He tried to cover as he stepped past me. "Steve your lying..." He looked at me quickly. "Fine. Watch out for master Lucus...Trust Alec...That's all I'm going to say for now the rest you will work out in time." He turned away and left before I could ask anything more.

I closed the door frowning. I still didn't get what he ment...By any of it. I walked over and opened the dress bag getting the dress out gently. I laid it down on the bed and stared at it smiling. I was actually starting to look forward to wearing now. I picked up the shoe box and placed it on the bed next to the dress nervously. I wasn't sure what kind of shoe Steve would have chosen for me. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I opened the lid. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. They were actually quiet beautiful. They were a slightly shimmering black similar to the dress material with a small heel shaped like a wedge. It may actually be possible for me to walk in them. I picked one up and that's when I noticed a heart shaped diamonte on the back of the shoe. I picked up the other one and smiled as I turned it around to make sure it had a matching one. They were perfect.

There was a knock at the door and I jumped slightly. I put the shoes down and walked over to the door. I opened it to a young girl standing there looking nervous. "Miss I'm here to help you dress." she stepped in with out making eye contact. I closed the door and walked over to the bed. "We need appropriate under garments for the dress. Do you have any in your robe Miss?" She looked at me and I widened my eyes. "I don't...know... I have a strapless bra with matching under pants if that would work?" She takes at me and headed to the robe. I listened to her shuffle around in there for a moment before reappearing.

She walked back over to the bed carry a set of under garments. "These will have to do for now." she handed them to me pointedly. I took them from her and disappeared into the bathroom to change. I felt self conscious as I walked back out in just my under wear. She lifted the dress of the bed and opened it so that I could step into it easily. She slid the dress up and into place quicker and easier than the lady from the dress store. She zipped in place and adjusted the material on the dress. I turned around and she picked up the shoes before kneeling down in front of me holding one out for me to put my foot in. I slid my foot in and carefully stood in the shoe as I lifted my other foot. She quickly slid the shoe on so I could put my foot back down.

I felt slightly unstable but comfortable in them. The girl got up from the ground and stepped back a couple of places. "Ok, take a couple of steps and see how they feel with the dress." She watched as I took a couple of cautious steps forward. It was easier than I expected and I felt ok walking in them. The girl smiled happily and clapped her hands together. "Ok, hair and make up next." she walked over to the bathroom and disappeared. She returned quickly with two small cases. She placed them down on the bedside table and motioned for me to sit on the edge of the bed. She opened the first case and looked at all the different make up as she started pulling different things out.

She finished with my make up and hair after what felt like forever but was really only about 30 minutes. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the mirror to look at myself. I didn't even recognise the person looking back at me. For the first time ever I actually felt beautiful. I was stunned. My blue eyes stood out more from being highlighted by the make up. My normally straight black hair was softly curled and pulled of to one side with black clips that were camouflaged well. It cascaded down the shoulder with a strap on in it leaving my other shoulder bare which made my kneck look long and delicate. I turned away and looked at the girl that had done it all. "Thank you. You did an amazing job." She stopped and looked at me. "It wasn't that hard really. You have a natural beauty about you that most would die to have so I just highlighted those features. Now you should probably get going down stairs while I put this away. I'm sure everyone would have arrived by now and the masters would be waiting." I smiled at her nervously but walked over to the door and opened it.

I walked down the halls and followed the sound of voices and music. I stepped around a corner and Lucus was standing there leaning against a wall again. He looked up at me and smiled hungrily at me. "Well don't you look positively delicious." He stepped away from the wall and turned to face me properly. I stopped walking and tensed up as he slowly took a step towards me. "You truely do look beautiful..." Next thing I know he was standing right in front me. I flinch slightly as he leans down closer to my exposed kneck. I could feel his breath against my skin as he leaned in closer to me. He moved his head up to my ear. "Like a delicate dish being served to wolves..." He smiled at me almost evilly as he stood back from me. I watched as he laughed lightly and turned on his heels leaving me standing in the hallway shaking slightly.

I took a deep breath and recomposed myself. I continued walking down the hall until I reached the top of the grand staircase. I looked down at everyone and noticed that Alec was talking to them all. I stepped back out of sight and took another deep breath as I leaned against the wall. I wasn't going to walk down the stairs alone while everyone's attention was directed at them. "Are you alright Evelyn?" I almost jumped out of skin as I opened my eyes and saw one of the brothers standing in front of me. They were either Liam or Keaton but I wasn't sure which. He tilted his head sideways and smiled. "I'm Keaton."

"I'm so sorry Keaton. I..." He laughed lightly. "It's ok Evelyn. Now do you actually plan on coming down in that beautiful outfit or do you plan on hiding up here all night? Though I'm not opposed to allowing you to hide, I'm fairly sure that Alec may." I stepped forward blushing. "I was planning on coming down...But Alec was talking...People are..." He nodded in understanding. "Then allow me to escort you down." He held out his arm to me. I took it feeling a little strange. For some reason I felt like I would have been more comfortable if it had been Alec instead of Keaton. I stepped closer to him though for comfort as he led me to the top of the stairs again.

Alec had finished talking so people had started to move around and talk to each other. The music had been turned up slightly and waiters were moving around with trays of drinks. "Deep breath, you'll do fine Evelyn." Keaton whispered softly in my ear as he started the decent down the stairs with me. I held his arm for support whilst holding the fabric of the dress so that the hem wouldn't get caught under my shoes. The voices closest to us dropped in volume slightly as we got closer to the bottom and I chanced a look up. People were starring at us as we continued our way down but none drew my attention more then the tall dark haired man that stepped up to the bottom of the staircase starring at me intensely.

We reached the last step and Alec stopped us from decending further. "Thank you brother." He dismissed Keaton without even looking at him. He released my arm and stepped away nodding politely at his brother as he did. I looked at Alec and he was still starring at me. I blushed lightly and dropped my eyes as he extended his hand to me. I took his hand and he helped me down the last step. I looked up at him and got a quick glance of Lucus standing smearing the background at Alec. I frowned slightly. "You look stunning." Alec said as he stepped closer to me holding his arm out for me to take. "Thank you. Most of the credit should be given to Steve. He found the dress and shoes.Then there's the young girl that come and did an amazing job with my hair and make up..." I smiled as I took his arm. "You know, one day you will have to just accept a compliment when it's given and not just try shifting the attention to another." I blushed at his comment. "Thank you Alec..." A soft rumble of a laugh came from him. "Your welcome." He led me through the crowd and I couldn't help but notice that people stared as we walked past them.

I heard a couple of woman snigger and started to feel self conscious again. Alec leaned into me and whispered softly in my ear. "Ignore them, they're just jealous of the beauty drawing everyone's attention..." I small smile pulled at my lips at his comment as he continued to lead me over to a group of men standing talking. "Gentlemen. I would like to introduce Evelyn." They stopped talking and looked at me. I shifted slightly and moved closer to Alec. He still held my arm in his as they bowed politely to me. He gently dropped my arm and smiled reassuringly at me before starting to talk with them. I stood there for a moment quietly until a waiter approached us with drinks.

He held the tray out and they all took drinks. I went to retrieve one but Alec stopped me gently. "Trust me, these are drinks that you don't want to try. I'm not sure where they are but Miss Jo prepared some specifically." The waiter cleared his throat politely. "Sorry Sir, I think they may still be in the kitchen...I'll go and fetch one now..." I placed my hand on the waiter's to stop him. "It's ok, I can go and get one..." I smiled at the panicking looking waiter. I looked at Alec who was starring coldly at the waiter. "If that's ok of course?" Alec looked back at me and his look softened. "Of course. If you need directions I'm sure one of the maids will help." He said pointedly and looked at the waiter. The poor man looked like he wanted to die and fucked off quickly. I smiled at Alec and nodded.

I felt received to be leaving the conversation but uncomfortable about leaving Alec. I felt safe next to him. I walked out of the room and headed down a hall that I was fairly confident led to the kitchen but was 100% sure. "Evelyn!" I stopped and turned at the voice. "Liam." he said smiling kindly. "I'm sorry Liam..." I smiled back at him. "It's fine. Introductions weren't exactly done very well when you arrived. I just wanted to stop you and give you something. I saw you in your beautiful dress and wanted to add to it." He walked up and stopped in front of me. He pulled a small box from a pocket inside his jacket and turned it around opening it. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. It was a beautiful diamond knecklace.

Liam smiled as I stared at it. "Do you like it?" I looked up at him and lowered my hand. "Like it? I love it Liam...Thank you!" His seemed to relax a little and lifted the knecklace from the box gently. He put the box down on a small table that stood near us. "Here, let me." He stepped behind me and I lifted my hair a little so he could place the knecklace in place. He let it fall slightly into place before stepping back around in front of me. He smiled proudly. "Perfect. Now I must return to our guests." I nodded and he turned around and started to walk away before stopping. "One last thing Evelyn... When the time comes follow your instincts, don't second guess yourself..." He then quickly turned again and left.

Now I was more confused then ever. Everyone kept giving me advice that I had no clue what it all ment or was in relation too. I frowned in frustration and turned around following the hall until I reached a door where I heard loud voices talking in a rush. I pushed it open and sighed in relief at the sight of the kitchen. Miss Jo looked up from something she was making and looked shocked. "Miss! What are you doing down here?" she said as she rushed over. "I was coming to get a drink because Alec said I wouldn't like the ones that were out there being served." Her eyes widened but then shrunk down into small slits of displeasure. "Of course they forgot to take yours out...Damned fools. Sorry Miss, hold on a second and I'll fetch one for you." She smiled kindly at me. She fucked off and I noticed everyone looking at me. As soon as I made eye contact with them they went back to what they were doing. Miss Jo returned with my drink and handed it to me. "Thank you Miss Jo."

To be continued...

© shiree warman