

Chapter 8
We left as soon as Issac woke up. He asked what happened, but I pushed it off till we got a car, and hit the rode. We were a few miles away from the motel, and he sighed. "You gonna tell me what happened?" he asked. I glanced over at him, but quickly turned my eyes back on the road. "No." I said. "Seriously? Cause, last thing I remember is, taking a walk, and someone hit me over the head. Then I wake up in the room, and the black leather wearing blond is on the ground, her head smashed to bits, and the other one, just laying on the ground bleeding." He said. I hesitated, biting my top lip, but explained. "What!" he yelled when I was done. "Hey, keep it down." I said annoyed. "God, that's just... God." He said, probably unsure of what else to say. "Ok, we getting close to DC." I said, changing the conversation. "How do you know?" he asked. I pointed to an upcoming sign, reading, 'Welcome to West Virginia' And when we passed it, we were now one state away from DC. One state from safety, and possibly my end. He looked out the window at the buildings we passed by, with a distant look of familiarity in his eyes. "Hey." I said snapping him from the trace. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah. Yeah." He said quickly, and unsure. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." He said ququickly. "If it was nothing, you wouldn't look like that. So, tell me, what's wrong?" I asked again. He had a hesitant look on his face, like he was trying to decide if he should lie, tell the truth, or be stubborn and not answer. "Issac, I broke you out of my sisters' grip, I killed three of them because of you, and I'm almost literally driving to my death. So the least you could do is answer me, truthfully." I said. I could see in the corner of my eye, he looked at me, considering my words. Then, sighed signaling his surrender. "I was born in West Virginia." he said. "Wait. What!" I exclaimed glancing at him. "Yeah, and I was thinking if it would be too much to ask if I could check on my family." he said. My fingers fidgeted with the wheel as I thought about his request. In the end, I sighed. "There's a hotel not far from here. We could unpack there, and I guess see if your family's not dead." I said. Hearing my answer, he smiled pleased. "Alright, it's a plan." He said happy. We unpacked in a hotel built next to a gas station to fill up the car. Then after dusk, we headed to his house. After giving me the coordinates, we pulled up to a little white house not too far from the hotel. When I unlocked the doors, he jumped out and looked through the window facing a kitchen. Inside, I saw a woman holding a bowl of something, serving a man. I could feel they're full hearted laugh through the glass, and suddenly felt envious of Issac. He jogged to the front door ringing the doorbell. From the car, I could see the woman look curiously at the direction of the door. Then, after politely excusing herself, she went to the door, opening it, to see her lost son. I watched as the woman's face first looked at Issac in shock, but quickly turned into tears of joy, as she wrapped him in a hug. I saw her looked my way, and I think ask him about me. And then, I somehow ended up inside Issac's house, his mom gave me a warm smile welcoming me in. "So, Issac tells me you helped him escape from those, 'Sin Sisters'." She said sitting on a living room chair, motioning me to sit on the couch. "Ah. Yes. That's right." I said sitting close to her. "That's horrible. How did you get caught by them?" She asked, gently placing her hand over mine. I flinched a little, not expecting the gentle gesture, that surprised me. "I, was just not paying attention, I guess." I hesitantly lied. "You shouldn't ask her to remember the bad times, mom." Issac said. He was ruffling his wet hair with a towel, and changed in fresh clothes. "It might be scary for her to remember when she was caught. I know it was for me." He said sitting next to me. The towel was draped around his neck catching the stary drops of water that fell from his partly still wet hair. "Right, I'm sorry, dear. It must've been terrifying for you." she said rubbing her thumb on my hand. "Thank you for understanding." I said quietly. "No, dear. Thank you for helping my son escape." She said. "Yeah, who knew our, wrestling champ son, need help from a girl." The man said walking in, and taking a seat in the chair across the room. "Oh come on, dad." Issac said, his head following his rolling eyes at his dad's joke. "They were murders, not some kid from school." he said back. "But they were all girls. And you couldn't even handle them." his dad protested. "Oh, whatever." Issac said waving his hand at his dad. Everyone laughed at the playful batter, and the conversations following were joyful, and happy. I could feel how much Issac's parents really loved him, a family typ love. A love I never really knew with my own sisters.