

The legendary samurai
once oppon a time their was two samurai village and one was dragon🐉 samurai village and eagle 🦅samurai village and they will fight each other because they have jelus on them so both village will fight daily... And their was samurai in dragon village and his name is Garry he was an weakest samurai in that village and he will always get scould from his father for being weak and a samurai should be strong 💪💪 and not should weak 👎👎 ..... He said and one day on the fight between two villages that time a big bom blast 💥💣💥💣........ a man standing between the field with a black suit and he was a an samurai and he was not belong to eagle and dragon samurai the head both village and I am a evil 😈 samurai my name is brock iam from evil samurai village and they were shocked 😱and they asked him that no their is only two 2⃣samurai groups in Japan..........no.......... evil samurai is the first samurai group in Japan and their we're 11 samurai groups in Japan and they were shocked and asked what ,? he told yes they all are in our control and we are jóining a 🅐🅡🅜🅨 of samurais because we want to rule the hole world and he them to join in their army but they said no..... and called his soldiers and told to arrest 🚨them and the samurai fought with them but they can't win and brock told them to arrest the stongest samurai and leave the weakest samurai and every samurai were strong so they arrested every one expect Garry and they kept fire to the vilages and they went and he garry escaped from their and he saw a person in eagle village and their was a weakest samurai their and he resquie him and they went inside the village and they were crying and the another samurai name is surash and they became friends and they told that we sholud requie our parents and friends he said and surash said for that we need a team so we need members and they start practice for 7 months and they star to travel to evil 😈Village on the way their saw two girls neitra and grace and they were waiting ⏳for a boat to cross the river and they us and asked that who r u both we dint you here anytime they told that we samurais they two 😂😂laugh and they told you are so weak and saying that you are samurais and they two know karata and chalanged as for a fight and we acept but they defet us easyly and they laugh and. said go and sleep in 🏠home and we said our flashbacks and they told as that we will join you come with us and we went with them and they went to a big mansion and no one was their and in the center of the mansion a mans statue 🗿🗿🗿 was their and we asked them who is and they told he was a samurai and teacher of samurai we said O. and suddenly he came front of Garry and askéd you are legendary samurai right and he told yes neita said no dady he was a weak samurai and he asked is he is you father she told yes and he was stuned and the master told that ok fine I will give you training for one month and he told master we took training for 7 months but we can't for anything no you success🏆💪 in one month and they start training and he became very strong at 28th day the evil samurais arested the master and told to garry and others to hide inside the mansion and told us to practice and after two days come and resquie me and others and garry tried is level best and

garry and friends went to the evil village it so terror and many samurai was their and they was many soildgers came to attack🔫👊us we all defeted them and wenr to the palace of evil village it was so big and it was terrible to see 👀 and we went see inside their was many soildger attacked us and we defeted them and resquie our samurai suddenly a group of samurai arested us and we was in the front of the king of the evil village: the mantis.....
and he was so strong 💪💪 and told us who came to you say he said know one open their mouth and he took a sward a killed a person and he kept the sward in nietras neck and told say and suddenly Garry said it's me and mantis said O you youngh man...... and he suddenly suck the sward into Garry and he was déad he think but no he told to put him into the volcano🌋🌋🌋🌋 and they put Garry into the volcano 🌋🌋and the soildgers went and the Garry dint die 💀💀 and he was floating on the volcano🌋🌋 and he atmotaly he came at the top and his wound was gone and he feel very strong and his dress became in red vilcani colur and like a soildger no no like a king 👑👑👑👑👑 and he went to the evil village and defeted the king 👑 with my powers and Garry became the king of samurai and also has a name THE LEGEDARY SAMURAI..................................,,.......