

Human Interests
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from The Night Slowly Came by Kate Chopin:

I am losing my interest in human beings; in the significance of their lives and their actions. Someone has said it is better to study one man than ten books. I want neither books nor men; they make me suffer, one with the devastating fact that all good things aren't found in reality and the other another type of species entirely.

Is it weird for me to consider myself an Alien? Because, as I walk down this same street everyday, I see humans with different faces and outfits, moving from one place to the other, practicing the same habit I so detest; monotonous daily living.

I might like red today and hate it tomorrow. Might want to be a girl today and Man tomorrow. A writer today and a lover tomorrow. A Sex Practitioner then one of celibacy. Things do not hold my interest for long. That is why I am getting tired of humans, even to a point that I so detest them, all of them whether good or bad.

They don't see how monotonous their lives are. They spend years pursing one interest. Saying things along the lines of 'it's their dream' or 'I'll work hard to achieve this'. No single iota of change. Yes, they might go as far as to update some of their attitudes to things, or their inventions, but the truth still remains that they are the same. They are all so predictable. Nothing finds interest anymore.

I'm beginning to think that maybe, I am not even one of them. Afterall, this wouldn't be the first time people call me crazy, so why don't I go along with it? For the first time, let me humour them along with their stupid interests and beliefs.
© Naomi Obasi