

This motivation is enough...
Today i had an amazing webinar. I felt so motivated that m gonna continue what m doing. That can be this writing thing or my real profession. But yeah m not gonna quit.

The best motivation was..
◆My profession is best and the thing which makes it best is that i am best.
Not just that, i am contributing to build my nation. Yeah. I am a NURSE.

◆I am in the field of health which has compassion for others not just for 8 hours. But our duty is on for 24/7. I am a champion.

◆We just dont try anything. Its our responsibility to give our best at first attempt itself. Because its about saving a life.

◆If you save one life, you are a hero.
But if you save 1000 lives then you are a NURSE. I am a proud Nurse.

◆We are the ones who are completely committed to our work and duty and dont even expect neither get any appreciation for our part.

This is all i learnt today but was in more detail. I wrote everything in a nutshell.
And lastly i would like to invite you all, my dearest writco fam for a "ONE DAY NURSE" challenge. Visit any of the nearest hospital or the one in your neighbourhood and observe the nurses how they are committed.

(If possible, do appreciate them or congratulate them for their work)its from my side 😁✌
© jessj