

there was a boy named mun and he was left at a adoption house when he was a baby (15 years later) mum _ PLEASE BE MY GIRLFRIEND Starla_ NO mun _ WHY NOT PLEASE (startle is shy but mun won't leave her alone so she used her magic) starla_ SHEEP MAGIC GO TO SLEEP (mun want to sleep 🤣and mun friend show up) James_ I told you to leave her alone stupid are you okay miss starla starla_ yes I'm fine 😅 James are you sure he's fine James _yes he's fine (15 minutes later) mun_ that was cool magic Spell she did I should do it again James_ no you should not because if you do it again you will get hurt and you can't defend yourself because you don't have magic (mun looks sad for a little bit)mun_ I know but that won't stop me from becoming the most powerful wizard in this whole entire world(mun looks determine) the narrator you sure that you're going to become the most powerful wizard of all time will come back next time mun and his friends over come strong people) the end.