

I love you cause you didn't ignore my message
I love you cause you kept the conversation going
l love you even when you didn't have okra soup on your menu
I love you because you decided to add it to your menu
I love you because you said you will make an adjustment for me since okro meant everything to me(you mean everything now ❤️)
I love you because knowing my name was awesome to you
I love you because you asked for permission to keep up a conversation I started
I love you when you typed healthy argument.(sounded cliche because it's something I write but don't really experience)
I love you because you have experienced crazy love (I hope I give you Sane love)
I love you because you requested for my number
I love you because you went through my highlight
I love you because you voice is calming
I love you because your voice is assuring
I love how you love me
I love you because I can decide to be a better person not only for myself but for you too
I love you because you value family
I love you because you listen to me
I love you even in the midst of our issues
I love you because even when you got upset you were literally the cutest
I love you because you apologize without thinking about it
I love you because even when I pranked you you still felt bad and apologized (I doubt if you remember)
I love how sane you make me
I love how I miss you
I love how happy you make me
I love you because you made me to tell you to ask me out (I just learnt to ask for what I want and you helped me build trust)
I love you even when you are too busy for me
I love you even when you don't listen to my vn
I love you even when you didn't listen to the song I sent (atleast comment)
I love you because you are just cute
I love you because you are beardless 😉
I love you because you always want to see my face
I love you even when I felt you started withdrawing
I love you in the midst of all the issues we will have
I love you in the arguments
I love you even if we don't end up together (I hope we do)I will make sure I love you totally
I love you because you don't mind me interrupting you
I love how you love me interrupting you 🤝
I love how patient you are with me
I love you because I want to
Happy valentine Babe❤️️
I love you more