

Odilichukwu moaned as the rain eroded the blood-splash all over her after copious stabs. It was a dark night indeed. Agony engulfed her heart as she scritched the ground beneath her mother's blood puddle.
Unwontedly, that omugwo (a period of time in most Nigerian culture, during which mothers go visit and help take care of their daughters who just put to bed.) became incessant. No. Odili was unperturbed; she needed all the help.
As evil had it, late Mrs Cecilia, a widow, conceived in her daughter's home. "I always had eyes for your husband Olisa" she confessed in a heated confrontation at their backyard. Savagely, Odilichukwu grabbed a 3ft Iron rod and the rest you know.
".... a death sentence for both" whispered an eye witness.

The end ....
© Epitome