

In remembrance

I don't know if you heard, but I woke up dead a few days ago and its been Hell ever since. A small cozy service, where three people came in remembrance. Odd thing though, one had a bible and two had shovels. That...doesn't sound good.

Nice monument though...

'Here lies Jake. Born on a tuesday'
Sigh... Was born on a Monday. Guess it's too late to edit now..

So...This is hell.
Funny, I thought it would be louder. You know, with all the screaming of the damned and such. It's not you know...
No it's quiet here. So very quiet. A quiet so loud as to be deafening. There's no one here but me. I have been left behind for better life that I have no business in. How could this have happened? Where did it start? What series of events led to this point? Where was the event horizon? You would think such a cataclysmic event should have been at least noticeable. But no one noticed or even looked up. Including me.
  They are right there you know. Standing just there, just out of my reach. Forever beyond me now. .
I can see them so clearly, yet they can't see me. Not anymore.
It's as if they can't see me... Not won't...can't
I'm almost thankful, I fear should this veil be pulled back even a moment, I would dealt with in contempt, like the unloved dog who whines from hunger,  dealt with curtly and dismissed twice as quickly. I might as well be de jevu, a false memory. I am nobody, not anymore. In a sea of faces, I am faceless... The face of one who wasted a gift others never had. Wasted grace.
  They stand there, and though I can not see who they are talking to it must be an old friend, or sibling... The way they are welcomed so lovingly. I can see them speaking... And if I am real quiet and very still I can almost hear...
But I don't dare. I know what they are saying. They are calling names. And mine will never be one of them. 
Not now. Not forever.
So this is Hell.
Funny, thought it would be louder.

You know,

With all the screaming of the damned and such.
© James Houghton