

The Knight from the West Episode 3 GUNNER
Thank you for saving me, my lord. Don't mention it I just did what is right, you go now, My lord since you save my life let me ride with you Athadel said. I have nowhere to go Kradel replies, I have nowhere to go too my lord let me come with you, Okay ride the horse and we will set to the next kingdom exclaims Krade. After a day of riding they reach the Kingdom of Nelupa where there is no law, the king feast all day and he doesn't care about anything but to add taxes on his kingdom, we will rest and eat here but keep your eyes open said Kradel in a low voice and Athadel just nooded. They entered the willow tavern the oldest tavern in Nelupa and noises from every corner, different languages they sat on the empty table and order food and wine, do you have a place here to rest ask Kradel to the tavern people I will prepare the room for you answer the big and drak person. A man enters the tavern shouting where is Gunnar?!!!! He is drunk the tavern keeper replies while pointing to sleeping Gunnar at his table, the man pulls out his swords and swings it to Gunnar but Kradel is much faster and slashes his sword to the man. Kradel toss some coins to the tavern keeper and said give him a good funeral. Early morning Kradel and Athadel are preparing to leave when Gunnar approaches them I owe you my life my lord take me with you. Grab your horse and join us Kradel replied.
© alexander