

Broken Heels and Ditched Dates

The ceiling fan hummed above, creating the only sound in the small filing room, apart from the flutter of turning file pages and the opening and closing of the rusted metal drawers. However despite the fan, the air in the filing room was tight and warm and wasn't helped by the dust that circulated in the room by the light of the over head incandescent bulb.

Toni blew through her lips, feeling a trickle of sweat run down her neck and trail irritatingly down her back, which was claiming her blouse as a second skin with each passing minute. 'Why did agree to this?' she questioned herself in exasperation. 'I should be getting ready for my date right now!? Yet here I am in this dusty old room with these dusty old files! Christ!'

She flung the file before her on the right stack she had on her table not finding what she was looking for. 'What are we even looking for?'

She sighed, miserably opening another file, skimming it's content with as much interest as a five year old watching the news. She wiped her face, and reached for her water bottle. 'Great! It's empty!'

She groaned lowering her forehead to the table. "Why? Why? Why?" She lamented in a whisper slightly knocking her head on the table with each 'why?'

"Is there a problem Miss Melbourne?"

"Ah-" Toni got a hold of herself and sat up in the chair. She gave a bashful smile. "Sorry Director Chang. I guess it's just a bit warm in here." She gave a slight bow of the head, as was their custom, and tried to look as if she wasn't feeling like a chicken in an oven.

"Mhm. I see. It is a bit hot to be honest." The Director replied. He was half seated on an old desk, the light above casting a warm yellow glow on his sturdy, sharp features, a shadow of a smile on his pink washed lips. A few tendrils of hair had come loose from his bun and clung to his face from the slight perspiration.

"I am sorry," he said resting the file he was reading beside him, "I didn't know it would take this long," he took off his glasses and rested them on his file and proceeded to take off his white coat.

"I understand, Director I am sure we will fin-"

Toni floundered for a second. Director Chang had removed his coat but the sight beneath made it seem like the temperature in the small room skyrocketed. The Director's striped dress shirt was soaked through and through with sweat clinging to him like a layer of skin. The material was also very thin and Toni could make out the toned muscular framework of her boss' body. 'Was that the contour of his six pack?...wait it's an 8 pack!?"

"Miss Melbourne, Miss Melbourne."

A deep clearing of the throat brought Toni back from her reverie.


"You seem a bit preoccupied, Miss Melbourne," Director Chang stated placing his glasses back on, but if Toni wasn't so flustered by the warmth that crept up her neck, she would have noticed the little glimmer in Director Chang's eyes.

"Ah," Toni cried, "I guess this warmth is just making a girl," she gulped "thirsty."

Director Chang gave her a questioning arch of the brow and Toni could feel the warmth creep up her face.

She laughed it off. Or more like cackled...she didn't know. She was too focused on Director Chang's long white fingers working their way down at the top of his shirt as he undid the buttons.

"Thirsty?" Director Chang asked. A look of concern etched on his face at his employee's weird demeanor.

"Yes thirsty," Toni flashed a smile holding up her empty water bottle giving it a little shake.

"Then I'll get us some water then," Director Chang replied getting up and walking over to where Toni was. Toni couldn't resist looking at his chest. The sweat shimmered on it, so that it looked so...so tantalizing.

"Miss Melbourne, Miss Melbourne."

Bang. Bang

Toni jumped a little in her seat. She looked to the source of the sound and saw that Director Chang and slapped the door to get her attention. 'What is wrong with me?" She asked herself, trying to cover the awkwardness with a smile.

"Are you okay Miss Melbourne? I was asking if you would like to come with me to get the water."

"Oh, Oh...Uhm no. I'll just wait here till you get back."

"Are you sure?"

Toni nodded.

"Okay. But stand outside and get some fresh air. I think this heat is doing a number on you." Director Chang said with what Toni thought was a smirk but she couldn't tell because he went out the door before she could decipher.

"What is wrong with me?" Toni asked herself out loud this time as she left the room and walked unto the outdoor balcony. The night breeze was a welcoming relief from the stagnant air in the file room.

"Why are we even going through it? Aren't the hospital records uploaded unto the computer? Why does Director Chang have me going through all those stuffy drawers?" She yawned and stretched. "Uh that feels good!" She commented stretching her arm as far as possible.

"Whoa there, careful!"

"There was a slight clattering sound and Toni drew her hands to her and spun around.

"That was close," Director Chang mumbled as he tried to steady two glasses on a platter before they toppled over.

"Oh am sorry. I didn't here you coming."

"Mhmm. I thought I just get us some iced cinnamon tea, instead. Much better than plain old water."

He offered her one of the glasses and she quickly took it, appreciating the refreshing sweet taste of the tea as she sipped it through the straw.

"You're right Director. That does hit the spot."

Director Chang gave her a slight smile, before drinking his tea as well. They fell in a comfortable silence, being revived by the coolness of the night breeze and the tea.

"By the way Miss Melbourne, did you have somewhere to be tonight?"

Toni was caught a little off guard and she choked a bit on her tea as a result.


"You kept checking the time earlier on. I had been under the impression you'd be free tonight," Director Chang didn't look at her but continued to stare at the city lights below.

"Oh. Ah. Actually I was supposed to be uhm meeting someone tonight."

"Meeting someone?"

"Mhm. Dr. Lee actually. We're supposed to be having a date tonight." Toni found a warmth had stirred in her stomach at her mentioning of Dr Lee. He was a funny guy with a sweet heart and an even sweeter face who worked in Emergency. Toni had a crush on him ever since she bumped into him the first day and was over the moon when he finally asked her on a date.

She realized she had been smiling so much at the thought and snapped out of it when she saw that Director Chang was regarding her with a blank almost unimpressed stare.

"Sorry," she said covering her mouth slightly as she allowed herself a giggle at her folly.

Director Chang said nothing and looked out unto the city again. "Well I presume you have already told him that you can't make it tonight since we will be a while here."

"Well actually, I was wondering if I could go now. I could always help you another time." She rubbed the back of neck.

"Why? Because you have a date? Miss Melbourne tell me when did I give you notice of this favour of mine?

"A week in advance."

"Right and when did you get asked on this date?"

Toni sighed. "Two days ago."

"So, didn't you realize that there would be some clashing going on and reschedule your date."

"I guess I forgot Director. But please can I go. I really don't want to disappoint Dr. Lee."

"You don't want to disappoint 'him'. Oh he is the one that you don't want to disappoint. Not the one writing your pay checks?"
Chang laughed a little glimmer in his eyes daring Toni to argue.

She sighed inwardly but plastered a smile on her face. But squeezed her glass so tight she prayed it didn't break beneath her fingers. "I guess so Director."

There was a buzzing on her phone a text message from Dr. Lee.

'I can't wait to see you tonight. Am heading to the restaurant."

Toni almost whimpered at the text, knowing that her response would be of heart break and ruin.

Across from her, her boss had finish his tea and pushed himself off the balcony railing. His eyes glanced at Toni's phone and saw Dr. Lee's name.
He smirked. 'Yeah definitely a smirk' Toni concluded with boiling resentment.

"Let him down gently Miss Melbourne." He collected her glass as well though she wasn't quite finished and stepped inside. "And oh we still have five more drawers to go through so make it snappy okay," he said with a cheeky grin before disappearing down the corridor.

Toni smiled until she was sure he was gone before letting out a frustrated, "Ah that shitty little bastard! Damn! Why does he have to be so unreasonable! He thinks just because he's good looking he can just be a jerk like that!?"

'Well he is your boss,' her mind reasoned.

"Shut up!"

'Man behind the paychecks for sure'
"Ah!" She uttered, ruffling her hair frustration. The elastic that held her mini twist in a pony tail burst causing her twist to fall about her head. She stomped her feet in annoyance and broke a heel.

"GREAT! Just GREAT! Pfft!" She blew a twist from her face.

She paced around, her anger boiling in her, muttering vehemently about all the things Director Chang was. Up and down. Up and down the balcony she went. Her phone rang whilst she was in the midst of saying a rabied dog was better than Chang Woo.

It was Dr. Lee.

"Ah Dr. Lee," she answered trying to sound in good spirits. But at that moment her feet with the broken heel twisted at the ankle and down she went, her arms flaying in the air. Time seemed to slow as she watched, powerless, as her phone sailed up in the air and over... over...over the balcony railing it went!
She could still here Dr. Lee saying "Hello? Hello? Dr. Melbourne you still there?"

Then it plummeted.

Toni got up as quickly as she could, scrambling to the railing and peering over.

"Ah ah!" She yelled joyously. The phone had skidded on top of a parked car and had landed seemingly intact on the road. "Now if I can just-"

But before she could even finish her sentence a car whizzed by crushing the phone to absolute smithereens. She stood there, her words lost in her throat.

Few minutes later she walked back into the filing room. Director Chang regarded her looking more than surprised, at her disheveled look.

"Did everything go well Miss Melbourne?"

She sat down stifly a tight smile on her face she slammed open a file, "oh everything is just fine Director. Just fine."

'Just you watch Chang Woo. Vengeance will be mine!'

She cackled evilly...but in her mind of course.

#humour #shortstory