


He scanned me and Dan. Dan's hand was still on my shoulder. The professor stared at his hands, and I suddenly noticed that. I quickly moved away from Dan. Professor Carl looked into my eyes as if I had stolen something from him. Then, he scolded us, saying, "The library is not a couples' playground," and walked away from us furiously.

"What's his problem?" Dan exclaimed. I stared at Professor Carl and wondered why he was looking at me like that. That expression was new to me.

After that incident, we went to the mess hall. Dan ordered something for us, but I didn't notice. I was lost in deep thought. Then, Dan called my name several times and shook me.

I freaked out and stared at him. Then, we had a conversation like this:

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, kind of."
"What happened? Is there something bothering you?"
"Yeah, I'll tell you when the right time comes."
"Don't worry, I already know."
"What? How?"
"Your crush is him, right?"
"Professor Carl!"
"Yeah, he is."
"Tell me everything."
"Yes, I will tell you everything."

I told him everything about me and Carl - how I met him and how I toyed with his feelings, which ended up breaking his heart. Dan listened to me patiently. I was full of anxiety, but Dan just smiled at me and held my hands. He told me, "It's okay, people make mistakes. We learn a lot from them." I knew I had made a horrible mistake, but I couldn't find the words to express my feelings.

"Do you love him that much?" Dan asked me.

"Yes, I do. I can't even explain how much I love him now," I replied.

"Isn't it coming from your regrets towards him?" Dan questioned.

"I... don't know how to answer that," I said, tears rolling down my eyes. I leaned on Dan's shoulder.

He hugged me tightly and began to talk. "Well, calm down. I know your mind is full of chaos. But I know one thing - you were in love with him without even knowing yourself. And you apologized to him properly. If you guys are meant to be together, it will happen eventually. Nothing will stop you... so don't worry about him too much. Give him some time. It's also difficult for him, maybe that's why he's avoiding you, but..."

"But what?" I looked at his face and asked.

"I felt something from him towards you..." Dan said.

"Ehhh? I was surprised to learn that from Dan. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's called boys' instinct," Dan said, shaking his collar and showing off while talking.

Pffft, I burst into laughter. We giggled.

Maybe Dan was right. I shouldn't be bothered about Carl. I have to control the feelings inside of me. I decided to enjoy my college life here and chase my dreams.

Almost one month had passed, and the time for the art festival had arrived. The entire university was fully prepared. While I was studying in the library, Dan dashed towards me. I looked at him in surprise because he had been busy the entire week as the head of arts in the university. As busybodies, we hadn't had a chance to talk lately. I had been busy studying for my upcoming medical college entrance exam. Suddenly, he dragged me into our class and we had a conversation like this:

"You are perfect for this," Dan said.

"What the hell?" I replied.

"Yeah, you can curse me later. Here, I have a serious problem!"

"A serious problem? Explain, Dan..."

"I will tell you when we reach the class."

We reached the class and everyone seemed to be filled with anxiety. When we entered the class, the class representative, Jane, came near to us. Dan told me to wait while he spoke with her. As I looked at them, it seemed like they were having a serious issue. After their discussion, Dan came near to me and I gave him a suspicious stare. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Okay, pal, you are now going to be our savior," Dan said.

"What's that supposed to mean, Dan?"

"Yeah, well, I will tell you. Recently, we had a fight with the M. Com department. So, we made a bet. If we win a competition, they will compromise for the Winner's cup."

"Okay, what kind of competition is that?"

"A drama competition."

"Excuse me????" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, a drama competition. If we manage to beat the collaboration of seven departments, we will shine. Luckily, our botany department is collaborating with the English department. We are already in fourth place. If we beat the M. Com and history departments, we will be in first place."

"What the hell, Dan? How can I be a part of this? I don't have any experience in drama, nor do I have any interest in this arts festival. I usually find it boring and I skip it."

"What???? Seriously, Bec? I can't believe you. Damn you, stupid! You missed such a precious time of yours."

"Sorry, Dan, I can't."

"Wait, Bec, can you do me a favor, please? For my own sake?"

"Geez, Dan, you are annoying. Okay, fine
What kind of role do I have to do?

Simple, you will love it when you hear the drama name!

Okay, spill it, you moron.

The Sleeping Beauty.

My eyes widened open, I was stunned. I looked at him furiously. He gave me a mischievous smile and continued our talk.

Your role will be "Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty."

But one of you can do that role too.

No, we can't, because we are occupied with so many events, so you are the only one left. Please help.

The entire class was looking at me with great expectations. These people always try to bully me, and I teach them lessons as well. After Dan's arrival, everyone's attitude towards me changed. I see why Dan tried to involve me, maybe they all want to work as classmates. The role Dan is offering me is not that difficult. All I have to do is pretend to be sleeping. I was in deep thought, but it was interrupted by my fellow classmates.

"Becky, we apologize for doing such horrible things to you. Please forgive us. We need your help."

The entire class bowed to me. That was a surprise for me. Dan was standing beside me. He whispered to me, "Why don't you take it as a challenge and show them who's the boss?" I furiously looked at him. He acted like he was zipping his mouth shut.

"Okay, fine. I will do it," I replied to them.

Everyone had a cheerful smile. They began to have some other discussion. Then Dan came near me.

"You have a surprise gift package with this role, and thank me later," he told me.

"Surprise gift?"

"Yes, and it's coming," he pointed outside of the class. When I looked there, Professor Carl entered our class. When I looked at him, Dan whispered to me, "He is the director of our drama."

"What the hell?" I shouted with surprise.

The entire class and Carl stared at me for shouting there.

"Do you have any problem, Miss Becky?" Carl asked me with a furious face.

"No," I gulped.

Then the practice session will be going on... I was perfect for that role because it's very easy for me to sleep. Others were hardly focusing on the practice session. Sometimes Carl would furiously stare at me for no reason. Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't. When Dan came to cheer me up, I felt like choking him to death. Finally, our competition day has come.

We are doing a comedy drama known as "Sleeping Beauty." The actors criticize society with wonderful jokes, and all I have to do is pretend to be sleeping. So, everyone is getting ready. They wore colorful costumes, and I got a princess pink gown and a beautiful crown. Some of my classmates applied makeup for me. I was even surprised to see that my blond hair and blue eyes are perfect for a princess. Everyone looked at me with surprise.

Dan took some photos of me. When I looked at Carl, he was expressionless towards me. That hurt my chest. However, it's better for me as well. I smiled at everyone, but only Dan understood my situation. Carl ignored me and wished everyone good luck. Then, we patiently waited for our chance.

I would say the m. Com department rocked their performance; however, we didn't want to lose. Finally, our chance came. The drama started. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. I heard the crowd roaring and cheering, and I felt so happy.

After a few minutes, we reached the climax scene, but a problem came up. I overheard a conversation from the other side of the stage.

"For more fun, we should add a kiss scene in the drama."

"What? Are you sure?"

"What about the professor? He won't allow it."

"Nah, forget about him. We are doing this."

"I don't want to miss a golden chance. Becky is a hottie after all."

I was shocked to hear that Dan and Carl weren't here. They were at the front of the stage. Damn those brats, they were planning to do something dirty. I don't know what to do. If I allow that, I will lose my dignity. But if I don't, this drama will be messed up.

The final scenes and dialogues have started. The leading actor came near to me. I hear the cheering coming from the crowd; they were shouting, "KISS, KISS, KISS."

I take a peek at Dan and Carl. They look frozen and unable to help me. Shit, I am doomed. That guy smirked at me and passionately tried to kiss me. However, I slapped him on his cheek and jumped from the bed. The entire crowd froze. An awkward silence filled the air. Then I came up with something. I laughed loudly in front of the crowd. Then I teased the leading actor, saying, "I don't need your kiss to wake up. I am okay. I don't need a red flag like you." Then I rushed towards the backstage.

Everyone in the drama was shocked to hear that because this scene was not part of the drama.

"Wow, so cool! That was funny..." the crowd said. They went back to normal, and we ended our drama.

Most people liked my part, and they came near to me to congratulate me. I saw my entire class, Dan and Carl, rush towards me. "What the hell was that, Becky?" The lead actor shouted at me. "That was not part of the script."

"Is that including sexual harassment too?" I furiously asked him. His friends and he made a troublesome look. Dan understood the situation and shouted at them. Then Carl entered the room and inquired about the problem. But he told everyone to take it easy.

But I am not satisfied. He should scold instead of supporting. He didn't even show interest in seeking justice for me. At least an apology for me? No.

Then I furiously looked at them and walked away.

I walked towards the empty classroom. My mind was fully messed up at that time, and I began to hate Carl even more. "What the heck is that?" I muttered to myself. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I began to cry silently. In that moment, I understood that I was always alone. Then, suddenly, someone appeared in front of me. I looked at that person and realized it was Carl.

"Finally, we meet again," I said, wiping my tears and looking at his emotionless face. He stared at me deeply, and then we had a conversation like this:

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"It's none of your business," i replied.

"That's very rude, Miss Becky," he said.

"Yeah, I know. My matters don't concern you anymore," I replied.

"I didn't want to, I didn't want to involve with you," he said.

"What do you mean, Carl? I didn't drag you into our past. I already asked for your forgiveness, and yet you're treating me like an enemy. I understand how much I hurt you, but it doesn't mean I have to be ignorant like this. I am a human too," I said.

"Oh really, Becky? I believe that too. Remember when you insulted me in front of a crowd? Now you feel the pain doesn't match mine," he said.

"Carl, are you taking revenge on me?" I asked.

"Think what you want, but Becky, I want to tell you one thing. You are the only person I hate to see. Your existence always makes me uncomfortable," he said.

I stared at him calmly and replied,

"So what, Carl? Even if you hate me, it doesn't mean you can bully me."
"Yeah, I know I made the biggest mistake. I even came here to find you and fix everything. I understand. But it doesn't mean you can question my existence. If you feel uncomfortable, then leave it. Did I ever bother you after that? No, right? Did I chase you or beg you to notice me? No, right? Well, thank you. I hate you too,"  i told him angrily.

"Then take this"
he shouted at me with anger and pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked and tried to push him away, but he forced me down. After a few minutes, he let me go. I struggled to breathe and felt dizzy. My eyes Were My eyes were swallowed by darkness when I heard Carl calling my name.

I waited for a few minutes, in front of me were Carl, Dan, and Lily too. "Yes, I need an explanation!" I shouted in front of them. "Let me tell you what happened after that kiss. Obviously, I regained my consciousness and I slapped Carl. 'I HATE YOU THE MOST!' I shouted at him and walked away. The shocking thing is that Dan was there and did nothing. He looked at me and Carl, then he grabbed Carl's collar. 'It doesn't mean you can kiss her, brother,' he told him."

"Brother?" I asked Dan.

"Yes, I will tell you everything. Meet us tonight at Lake Cafe."

And here we are, surprisingly Lily is here too. Then we both had a conversation like this.

"Lily???? When did you???"

"I will tell you everything because..."

"You think you met Carl for the first time in high school, right?"

"Yes, he was the student council president."

"That's where I first met him, Lily."

"No... You are wrong."

"What is that supposed to mean, Carl?"

"I met you before, the day you ran away from the engagement ceremony between our families."


"Not only Carl, but Dan also first met you there."

"Don't you remember that day?"

I can't believe it. At the same time, I can't forget that turning point moment in my life. Yes, I am an orphan, and at the same time, I was adopted by a wealthy family known as the Smiths. They were weird in the first place. They never treated me as their own child. They raised me strictly as marriage material. When I was 15 years old, on that day, I rebelled against my foster family and ran away in my engagement dress. After that, I never heard from them. I didn't get the chance to meet everyone at the ceremony. I was filled with confusion.

Then Lily held my hand. "You think you found him?"

"No, because actually, he found you..."

"Dan, Lily, explain to me," I told them.

The person you were supposed to get engaged to is none other than Carl.


Yes, Bec, it's true that Carl and I are also treated as some business tool in our family. That's why they came up with the idea of marriage. I didn't know it was you. I only saw your photo, and Dad told me, "This girl is your future wife." When I came to the ceremony, it was only filled with our family members. I know it's a totally political marriage engagement. However, I saw you talking about your life and future to your foster family. You were furiously talking about your dreams.

That surprises me. I saw you running away in that moment. Even my parents were surprised. They canceled the engagement. After that, I inquired about you, but you were already gone. Then you joined the same high school in the last year. Then I found you, and after that, I found you in the university. I was so happy... I was so excited to find you. You were still shining as ever. But the rest of the things, you know.

Carl looked at me furiously. I was kind of shocked. Then Lily began to talk.

"Bec, do you think Carl didn't know about Jane Stellar? Actually, he knows it was you from the beginning," she looked at me.

That almost shook me. I furiously looked at him, and then all these...

"Let me explain to you," Carl interrupted me.

"Yes, I know it's you, Jane Stellar, because it's me who created that number for you to get close to me. I thought I could fix things between us and confess to you. But the day I was excited about was ruined. You used my feelings like they meant nothing to me. I was very disappointed. You almost broke my heart. Damn you, Bec."

I looked at him with guilt and pain. At the same time, I was angry that he knew from the beginning.

"You should have told the truth about me. Damn you, Carl. Why didn't you punch me in that place and tell me you're in love with me? I should..." I shouted at him.

"You didn't give me a chance at all, Bec. Now it's all over," he told me with an emotionless face. That moment, I felt the pain inside my heart.

Suddenly, Dan interrupted us.

"Wait a sec, how about you talk more, brother? You are making Bec the culprit again. You know it was her in the first place, and you know that she is taking revenge on you too. It's your fault you didn't confess your feelings properly. At the same time, she didn't do it on purpose, but she hurt you as well, and she suffered so much just like you. Now you both are equal."

I looked at Dan's face. He was very serious about that. I saw Carl's face changing.

"If you want to end it, then go ahead. But do it properly. In the next moment, I will make her my girlfriend!" Dan argued.

"What?!" I was astonished by his words. I saw Lily and Carl shocked too.

"What the hell?" I asked Dan, and he winked at me mischievously.

"I agree," I replied to Dan's proposal. This time, both of them were shocked. I knew Dan was planning something, so I cooperated with him.

"Seriously, Bec?" Carl asked me.

Yes, it's better to not get involved with you.
Let's end this, Carl. I am tired of it," I told Carl.
I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I was about to burst.
But suddenly, Carl interrupted my thoughts.

He came near to me and lifted my face.
I was surprised to see him so close to me.
"We are leaving. Fix your things and come back soon," Dan and Lily told us with a smile before they left.

"You want to end this, Bec?" he asked me.
I looked into his eyes. Those eyes haunted me for the past 2 years. The expression on his face was always enough to kill me inside.

"What do you mean? We're not even in a relationship! From the first meeting onwards, we've been fighting. There hasn't been any compromise. I've apologized for nothing as well. We're not made for each other. You didn't even trust me or listen to me. I don't know how the heck I ended up liking you," I burst out in tears, telling him.

Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug. It was strong and gentle.

Now I am confident enough to make you mine,
because I have waited for this moment. The moment you confess, you really love me. Bec, listen, I only say this one time," he told me.

"Hm," I replied while I buried my face on his chest.

"Bec, I LOVE YOU. LET'S START THIS OVER AGAIN," he told me and hugged me tightly.

At that time, my cheeks were getting reddish. I felt chaotic happiness inside my heart. I hugged him tightly too. "Let's start over again," I told him. That night, we spent together. We talked, laughed, and cried while confessing our feelings.
This time, we promised as well.

The next day, I met Dan and Lily again at the same cafe.
Lily was very happy to see me. She hugged me tightly. Then we had a conversation like this:

"See who is coming!" Carl's girlfriend, Dan, teased me.
"Hey... Don't bully my best friend."
"Lily... Dan..... Thank you for always being by my side."
"We are  your friends  after all, and she soon to become your sister-in-law too."

What? Sister-in-law?
Yeah, which means I hide another secret from you, because...
Huh? Tell me, Lily.
Let me tell you that one, because Dan interrupted us.
Because, meet your brother-in-law. Dan shook my hand.

What????? Seriously?
How in the world?
Yeah, we had a 2-year gap. It happened. It's a coincidence you met Dan and became buddies.

Hello, suddenly Carl entered our group.
My cheeks were burning when he looked at me.
Ahem, Lily coughed.
There is one thing I forgot to tell you, because...
What? I asked Carl.
Because, meet my younger brother, Dan Mathew.
Ehhhhhh!!!! I was too surprised to learn that one.
I was literally frozen. Is it purely coincidence or planned? I thought.
Don't you dare to date your sister-in-law! Carl punched Dan's stomach.
Awww brother, spare me please, he cried.
We both laughed. After some times lily and dan gone. Then we had a conversation like this,

Are you surprised?
Yes, Carl, but I am so happy.
He giggled at me.
I really love it when he smiles at me. I was in a daze.
Carl, let me ask you one thing: what will happen if we didn't meet each other? Clarify things like this?
I asked him.


He smiled at me and replied. We sat quietly. When your graduation is done, let's go and meet my parents. Yes, I replied to him.

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