

Struggle for life......
I heard someone crying,I turned back and asked what happened?why are you crying...
Pale faced thin girl said i am hungry,give me some food to eat.I gave her some food randomly.She ran with it.I felt suspicious.I followed her and what I have seen....

Small child with her mother and this girl went to her and gave that food to her.I asked about her to some people who are there.They said she is the sister of that small boy.

I show her some time.Then I realized what is struggle,we wasted food,but she gathered it for her brother.She was herself also hungry but she gave first priority to her brother.And we thought struggle for money is headache but see here,she was struggling for some food.Some people are there who are struggling for earning one time of food and we guys wasting time,running after money and struggling for what?our priority shopping,became rich etc etc....Think what is basically a good or a shopping.Learn from everything,every person.We have little struggle but keep your mind out of frustration.She also gave up but she is struggling for food so in our life we also have to struggle not for food but for honestly,for happiness.

Don't quit if you fail,keep learning,keep fighting,Keep struggling.Because your struggle was so less than them.....
© Aeni Shah