

How to manage your Child's screen time |PhsyGo | Mildred Tomas R.
#parentinghacks #helpkids

Online classes are the new way of studying, and kids are taking time to get used to the fact that they won't be playing on Slides and sharing lunches with friends anymore,Its hard, but they can do it,But usually children like TV time they get after school. And they are sometimes not ready for putting it down.And that'll hurt there eyes.

Hey Folks, I am Mildred Tomas R., a psychotherapist and Co founder of PhsyGo, based originally in Lithuania. I'm here to help with speech Therapy and Autism care.

🙇‍♂ form a timetable- Assign each time slot of a day for your child for doing technological and other things, for eg- 11:30 am Online class over, play outside 12:00 - 12:45 colouring 1:00 -3:00 study etc.

🙇‍♂️ Give them an equal amount of gap time between two timeslots of doing stuff on the mobile, if he/she watches TV at 4:00pm then the next will be 7:00 pm and last with family at 10:00 pm

🙇‍♂️Don't let your child watch Television right after online classes,this can harm them and there eyes. Even though they might not go blind, they might have vision blur and Vertigo at a young age

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