

Dune Buggy Mayhem: Hide and Squeak
"I just don't know. Something here just feels half a bubble off Plumb!"
Uncle Jesse (TDOH)

🏎️💨 💨 🚓💨

A #WRITCO Original Series




"Sheriff calling for backup," the Officer called on the CB. "We gotta runner!"

He hopped back into his squad car and looked for fresh tire tracks on the dirt road. Sure enough, there were two newly made sliding tire trails leading off down a narrow stretch of track. As he headed on up, speeding, he saw tracks turning to the right, without much notice and


Into the Brink!

He stuck his head out of the Pond, with a catfish wiggling in his breast pocket, shaking his fist in the air.

Meanwhile, back at the barn, ole Dune Buggy and her driver were busy giving her another makeover.

This Time, a shiny Brick Red!

It was purty!

And when she came out from her abode, her gloss shined like an Angel. She was Gorgeous, Hood to Trunk. He was cruising at a gracefully safe speed on into town.

"Boy, that sure is a lovely little thing you got there," a store patron whistled at her. "Some mighty fine Chromes too!"

The Driver smiled. "Yeah, that's my girl. Ain't she a sight!?"

The Stranger kept gawking, then popped the Hood. "Wow, just LOOK at that ENGINE!" He exclaimed. You know, you should enter her into the County Fair. I'd be willing to bet the Farm, you'd place 1st!"

The Driver again smiled. "You really think so? She ain't but a Day old now."

"SURE!" The Stranger replied. "Why I ain't seen a car like this since the late 60s, What was the name of that car again," he stroked his gray beard, "started with an H I believe ..."

"Yeah well we'll think about it," he waved him off just as the Sheriff walked in dripping 💦 wet.

"You all see a blue beetle with a tall drink of water around town today?"

The clerk shrugged his shoulders.

The sheriff dried himself off with a towel from behind the counter. "I swear I catch that mongrel I'm gonna neuter his balls and tether them to a fishing line," he sizzled and ground his teeth. "I'll be drying out my car for a month!"

Outside, the Driver was still talking to the old man about the Fair.

"Well you'll be needing a sponsor anyway to enter if you choose to do so," he said. "Sure hoping you'd choose me!"

The Driver pondered a moment then replied, "sure! What's the harm?"

The Old Man leaped up and clicked his heels together. "WOO-HOO! We're gonna Win!" Then he stopped and turned all the way to the Driver. "Hey btw, what's your name anyway?"

"V.W. Herbert," he replied. "Just call me Herbie."

Then Herbie and his Vee zipped away in a Wink, again, lost in a huge cloud of dust.

The sheriff was just coming out the door, and was hit in the face with the dust cloud, coughing and gagging.

"What THE HELL!" He exclaimed. But off in the distance, all he saw was a little red car. "Well that couldn't be it," he mumbled as he got back into his car, disgruntled.


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© I Am MichAel