

The Era of Damnation. ( Part 1 ) #1
Part 1
Chapter 1

Once appon a time, long long ago, there was a special planet, on a far far galaxy.
The planet 24B6.

This wasn't a regular planet, not at all, it had a very peculiar size to it, the planet was massive, and filled with gigantic ammounts of vegetation and water, perfect for life to grow on.

As it had no restrictions whats whatever, that planet grew with massive ammounts of oxygen, just this alone could lead to massive creatures living on this same space rock.. but the planet had something more..
As we went deeper to the planet, there was this big.. energy, something way larger than anyone or anything could handle.
The Elders, the universe creators, gave this one planet something real special, a special energy that would turn life on this planet into something never seen before.
They gave this planet.


This mineral, wich was basicly scatered all around the world, had a energy inside it, this energy having the ability to empower genetics in a extraordinary way, not just that, as it was a power source for almost anything, it was extremely maleable, and easy to craft with, it was perfection in almost every way.

The energy was slowly sented onto the air, like a rose freeing its sweet sent appon the wild, and as life grew on the planet, it grew with this energy, creating what the elders called.

The Ancients

These beasts came in many forms, species, and all of them were unique in their own way, their powers and abilities powered by this strange energy.
It got to the point in mutation, where the beasts could produce their own Uthorium energy, having unlimited powered energy for their strange abilities.
Some used venom, others used energy based actions, others used fire, others were just.. weird.., and many many more.

The planet was blomming with life, survival of the fittest was a main rule like in most lively planets, but never to this scale.
Was the plannet a mess? Yes, it was, but it didn't matter, the planet was just so so big, that anything that happened was just insignificant, it was a truly, kaiju paradise...

..The elders were not satisfied..
They eventually got bored of the same games, yes, life was perfect on this paradise of a planet, but they wanted action.. they wanted terror, they wanted to see someone or something tear it all apart, like an event of some sort..

So.. they decided to create a hyper intelegent species, this one appearing a few trillion years later after the planet was born, they wanted to see this insignificant species survive on such a destructive world..and then, conquer it..
They called them
The Alberdors

But of course, it would be impossible for such small creatures to survive on a Kaiju dominated environment.
So, they gave them, the ability, to learn the Uthorium ways, to craft on that same material, and use it for survival, this would be efficient, for one unique reason..
Uthorite doesn't only create Uthorite energy.. it can also absorve it.
This would give the Alberdors a fighting chance.
They would need to be smart.

They would need to survive on what would be for them.
..The Era of Damnation..

End of chapter 1

© Bito_Saiki