

Vampire: part 1, the meeting.
I was in my friend's house, sitting on sofa . My friend was in kitchen to get some drinks for us. Suddenly a very attractive boy came inside the house. I said to him " who are you? how do you get in? My friend said from the kitchen " what happened, Ai?....who had came?" I don't know? I said . Then she came out of the kitchen and said " who are you, I don't know you? "
He said "ofcourse, you don't know, infect I don't know you too. Any way I had came here to meet mr. Loresh "
Ohhh, you had came to meet my dad, but sorry, but my dad hadn't at home. He had gone out for an arjent peace of work. If you wish then you can wait for dad. I said " Adelina, no, why are you asking him to wait, let him go from here ? But she didn't listen to me.
Then he sat on sofa in front of me and Adelina went inside the kitchen for taking snacks and drinks.
He was looking on me constantly. Soon she came and putted the snacks and drinks on table and sat beside me. She asked him about his name. He said" I'm Azazel, meaning angel of death. and yours " . She said " I'm Adelina Loresh.
Then he said " what's about you, you won't tell? There is no such thing, I'm Ai.
Ai.... can I know it's meaning, actually I hadn't heard this name before. Said he.
It's meaning is love, affection and friendliness. I said.
Wow, it's so cool, single name so much meanings. Hey, you aren't having any things. Said Adelina.
Then we talked a lot to each other, it was a long conversation. O My God, first time in my life I had talked a lot, specially with girls. So, I think now we are friends, right...said Azazel.
Soon mr. Loresh came.
After meeting mr. Loresh he said goodbye to us and went from here.

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