

I feel like I'm drowning in the sea of regret and pain
Everyday it gets harder to breathe when reality slaps me in the face
I regret I decided to stay awake till 2am on that day
I regret I didn't fight harder to keep my walls closed
I regret I folded with just a glimpse of a perfect imagination
I regret I held on too tight
I regret I held on when I should have let go
I regret holding on to just a reflection
I should have known it is always goodbye after Hello
I regret turning back when I should have kept going
I regret being a mess when I shouldn't
I regret I'm still rooting for the day I'm gonna get a text.
I regret trying to hide from it all
I regret this is harder than the rest to brush off
I regret I'm still reminiscing on the past when it was all too good to be true
I regret being the loser
I regret these activities are really doing a bad job distracting me from the ache I feel.
I regret the second reality dawns on me the ache I feel makes my soul fold
Give me a second chance
And I would turn off my phone
Sleep early
And make sure I never stay up till 2am
I would do anything to skip that day
I would do anything not to feel like this
The worst feeling is when you don't know what to fee
Should I feel like a loser or a fool
These thoughts are wrecking my souls
I would do anything to skip that 2am conversation that wrecked my soul .
© ~lisa xoxo