

What does a white blossom symbolize? Write anything about such in a short story form.

Without hesitation, I finally picked up the courage to face my final verdict.
Oh My God.... it is really gonna be it? .....
Ok let me ⏪ rewind the things, for you.
I met this incredibly transparent guy....
Yup, transparent in a lot of ways.... Wait, don't let your thoughts go that deep eh 😏.....
Let's just say he was so open minded, cool, always reliable.... an "open book "
to be said in a word.
And I probably.... you know.... fell for him hard.... with just the fact that he was my bestest friend at the moment.
You must all be probably familiar with that sacred friendship which you never ever want to break.
And here I was caught in that dilemma....
But let's skip on to the worst part, I had set him up with his present girlfriend during our initial days of friendship, when my feelings weren't blossomed yet.
And now every single time he says anything about her, I just feel like kissing him really hard.
And he was so good and true to his girlfriend and both weren't worked up about my closeness to him as my best friend.
Ah.... it's eating me in and out...... and the only way out - either be selfish or sefless......
Well selfishness is the easy win, I guess.
And I went ahead and confessed to him. in front of his girl.
Suprisingly they were not shocked and said that it was natural for me to have feelings for someone close to me.
He gave me a book which I had gifted to him on his birthday and said it had his reply in it, and told me to open it on my birthday which was in a week.
That week was literally like walking through hell for me. I just couldn't meet them in the eyes and as if in a daze I finally made it through.
At 12 am on my birthday, I opened that back........
Welcome to the present day.
With all my courage I finally opened that book and in it lay a dried white blossom 🌸 with the wordings My love for you will never fade.
I had gifted him that white blossom on frienship day.
Ok, so wait..... What..... mmm.... I do t really get it.
Is he saying he loves me Or is he talking of our friendship.
I confronted him about it, he just said to follow my heart.
Wow, now he is really being transparent🤨.
He then told me he would only speak to me after I had sorted things out and went away.
Only I was left with nothing to sort out.
Follow my heart..... damn it....
The more I thought of it, that picture of white blossom popped in my head. I finally arrived at the conclusion that he just wanted me to figure out that our friendship was what was more than love.
Finally after weeks of trying to calm my inner devil...... I tried hard to find a boyfriend, but failed miserably and somehow in the end managed to reign my feelings in💔 and slowly continued with our friendship , although it took much time to come to our previous special bond we shared.
Then eventually our life moved on, both of us got married to our respected partners and on my 25 th wedding anniversary, we were playing the game of truth and dare after sooooo long. On a truth question, he said that the love of his life had left him as something else was more important to her than him. We continued to tease him as all of us had our past share of relationships.

As the party progressed through the night, we were casually chatting on the balcony, when he suddenly said that, it hurts him to think that friendship cones above love.
I was momentarily confused, but then putting the pieces together, I was left shocked when I realised that he meant me to be the love of his life.
He said that at that time he didn't want to offend me Or his girlfriend, so he decided to put the decision making in my direction.

Really, dumping something on me, as he was scared to offend either and I had to decide whether he loved me Or not.
He was offering me the choice with the white blossom or love. All this saying now, like right now and not then.

I started laughing , gave him the middle finger and thanked God that I didn't get married to this stupid scared indecisive dickhead.
From then on White blossom is my favorite.
Oh, and I forgave him as he was my stupid best friend after all and the loss was his, never mine 😎.