

The bitter truth
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

It is true that some dreams come true, and there's also a possibility of nightmares becoming a well defined dream come true.
Life have always taught us to expect the unexpected and to challenge the unexpected. Instead of running the opposite way, I guess I'll just face my fears and conquer the bitter truth. everyone has something he or she is battling with, so do you run from it or do you face it?

if running the opposite was the only option, then I guess the doom is close by. why? that's because what will be will be!
Running from it doesn't assure you that you won't face it again, especially at an unexpected moment.
so face it as it comes.
Hope our dreams come true...not the nightmares!

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