

The good shepherd's touch

When the whistle was blown for the start of the journey, he was only a naive lamb. When he sat in their mist, he only listened and obeyed. He sat amongst them like a sick infant waiting for the healer’s instructions. So eager and enthusiastic to finally be among helpers, he understood their voices as echoes of freedom. He was so naive, foolish, innocent and carnally minded. He only followed and had no second thoughts, forgetting that when the wolf smiles to the sheep, invites the sheep into his home, provide food and shelter for the sheep, tends to his wounds and provides his needs, provide solution to his problems, he does not do all these out of love and care, he does all these to make the sheep fat for the slaughter house, because the best meat of the wolf is the meat of a sheep.
That was how the lamb lost a seed. A little drop of some unknown herbs in the ears, a gentle sip of a mixture of unknown herbs, a friendly smile and a bit of kindness and the lamb had already yielded to the company of the wolves. But the hand that gave the medicine gave a warning. In no time he unwisely took up their burden. He was compelled to sleep without food. He was the invisible one doing all their work. The desire to kill the lamb for food increased daily. The wolves couldn’t wait to enjoy the meat of the lamb. They developed hatred, envy and greed toward him. They devised a way of eliminating the lamb. "let us identify his weakness and make everyone believe he is not whom he claims to be. let us share what he had worked for" said the younger wolves. "No! let us give him some time." said the oldest of the wolves. All the lamb dreamed of was survival, he could end up as their meat any time, with determination and perseverance, he hoped for redemption. When he is weak and sober, all he thinks of is the good shepherd’s touch.