

Morning routine
Positivity fills my mind as I wake up at the crack of dawn. I am about to see the love of my life that I last saw a week ago,no let me start again,it feels like a lifetime without seeing him,that is what a naive hopeless romantic teen would say. All dressed up,short skirt,long oily legs, foundation that compliments my skin and I wouldn't forget to apply my lip gloss obviously because he kisses me everyday. My mother was not home,no let me rephrase my sentence,my mother is never home. She wakes up before me in the morning and comes home when I have already fallen asleep. To school I head,yes school, that was my morning routine. Who goes straight to school before passing by her friend's apartment,no one,this is the 21st century after all. Except for the fact that I would be missing her,I always go there to ask her whether I am well dressed enough to make an impression, even on my uniform. To me, the need to impress my boyfriend had become greater than my inner peace. School was fun,why wouldn't it be when you are both popular and intelligent.He was everyone's favourite,a charmer they would say. The always on point kind of guy. He was a headboy,a notorious one at that but no one really noticed. A matriculant,I was obviously intimidated by him. Love was in the air. Along with the love came jealousy, judgement and mostly heartbreak.How did all this happen?,this is how it all started.
© Gugue