

Oh... Life is misery... and I am in one... Sky has no limit, so I can't see none... and I am the only human being here... I love this place because my whole life I had no one, and people around me were abhorrent... I've felt happy here... But as time passes I am in control of strange things happening here... I have no idea if there is someone out there or just my mind tricking with me... Maybe this place is cursed. I have to go back...


I've made my arrangements and made a wooden boat. I am gonna depart tomorrow on the first light. I am gonna miss this place...
My whole life here was wondrous... The animals, the trees, the birds, the vast sea, the big broad body of blue sky. I am going to miss all...

I am hungry... 

I picked up a sharpened stone and I started cutting my big long beard and chewing it all...

(to be continued)

#story #stranded #island #alone #life #hungry

All Episodes here: #ABSS