

lonely stay
Lonely stay

In the stillness of my heart,
I long for someone to impart
A sense of warmth and love so true,
To free me from this lonely hue.

In my solitude, I often dream
Of a humble girl, so serene,
With eyes that sparkle like the stars,
And a heart that's pure and free from scars.

She walks with grace and gentle ease,
Her laughter was like a gentle breeze,
And in her presence, I feel at home,
No longer lost and all alone.

With her by my side, I see
The world in all its majesty,
And though the road may be long,
Together we'll stay, forever strong.

So here's my plea, to fate above,
To bring me, someone, I can love,
A humble girl, so kind and true,
To free me from this lonely view.

Written by Topsy, the Liberian poet
© to pay ali-muahaha