

As my life un......
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Write a story on it.:!As a TV blues singer once sang: wrote a song ABOUT it like to hear it hear it go!!! LOL... Johnny M & Teddy P.bsang it Best..life is a song worth singing... Truth be told..my life like your life has a begining, a middle & in ending.. But through IT all I never forget the most important part of it all..it was not my unique story that made my journey in life interesting but my hiccups & my gratitude to GOD!! that made the journey inevitable enjoyable & tolerable.. Thank you for allowing me to be & u to be u...either triumphant ly or tragically.). What my life means to you in relationship to your self is one thing.. what my life means to me myself in relationship to me is another thing but I am most concerned about what my life means to our living GOD because he counts when.. IT seems I may not count at all even in a census among men.....DIG?,,
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