

arrived at settled systems couple days ago (journal entry4)

"It's been a funny couple of days coming out of cryo and settling into my new lodgings here on the mining colony. I'm writing this while I have a nice cup of hot chocolate; there's nothing better after a hard day in the mines. We were mining away when I came across some kind of artifact. When I touched it, I blacked out, and what I had a glimpse of was unbelievable. I got taken to see a group who had encountered this artifact before, and for the last couple of days, we've been traveling around trying to understand what it means.

At the moment, I am just staying for the next couple of days in this neon city, looking for work and waiting on any news related to the artifact. Anyway, I am going to hit the hay shortly, as I'm tired and need to get some rest. With all the digging around, there's a company that wants to talk about possible work.

End of Journal Entry - Year 2330."

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