

A new beginning!
Note: Let's begin with something new.
This app has provided us every possible way to express our ideas, but what is we could write an Article!.

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Article Topic - "Do you have awkward name"?

I have seen many people getting conscious about their names and looks .They feel hesitate to express themselves because they think people would mock at them. To them I would recommend," you will not be known by your looks, neither by your name, but by your work!". Let me quote an example to make this more clear:
Suppose if I ask you, who is Rowan Antikson?, you might know, but with rare probability. On the other hand, if I ask you who is MR.Bean?, the probability of you knowing him would become a sure event!. But hey!, did you noticed something?, he is the same guy!. Yes, this is what I want to explain you, same personality but known by different name to different people, what remains constant is his work. Mr bean is more renowned than Rowan because of his quality work!. So you need not to bother about your bad looks or awkward names as they are predecided, but what is not, is your future!. You can change it at any instance, once you get in the habit of doing quality work!
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