

... before i felt this
every passing owe
I have steeled my mind so;

of all the things I have learned to un-feel
nostalgia has never been the one to leave.

in between these shallow breaths
and cracked dreams at dawn,
I remember my life so distant
as if it's not my own.

I am living so many lives
and I don't like any one of them.

I'm telling the world I am
everything they want me to be
and I am telling myself I am
everything they don't want me to be.

I lie often;
to me? or to them?

I don't know.

in between these shallow breaths
and cracked dreams at dawn,
the stars disappear and you don't ever stop
to think that not all the stars are same!

so why should this poem
be about one thing only?

the stars are countless,
thoughts are too.

but are we counting stars?

of all the things I have learned to un-feel,
I cannot go back to what I felt
before I felt this.
© Anmol