

Tainted (a Fanfiction story based on Game of Thrones series) 05
Chapter Five: The killer, the boy bastard and the New Lord Commander

"Sir Alliser Thorne! You must stop this at once!" Lord Commander Mormont, together with the rest of the Night's Watch, hastily came into view. They stood at Ghost's side.
"Eddison Tollet, seize their weapons and arrest them!"
He commanded to Eddison. But before Eddison could seize those men's weapon, two arrows came from nowhere had landed to Lord Commander's chest. His lifeless body slowly fell on the ground.
" Kill the bastard!"
Sir Alliser shouted to his men. They charged towards Jon Snow but Ghost had them first. But still, those men who were not killed by the beast made an attempt to strike him but to no avail. The remaining brothers who never favoured Sir Alliser had shielded him from another aggression. Some of Sir Alliser's men were fought. Few were terribly wounded and others were killed.
"Surrender now, Sir Alliser Thorne!"
One of the Higher rank Officer of the Castle Black shouted. "Seize him!" He ordered two of the armed brothers to arrest Sir Alliser.
"You would never get away with this, Jon Snow. The traitor of the North! You were just like your Uncle, and you too, must die! "
With that, he suddenly grabbed one of the brother's blade, strucked it on Jon's heart. Jon instantly fell on the ground. The brothers of the Night's Watch abruptly came to his aid, including Sam and Eddison.

"We must take him to Maester Aemon, at once!"
Sam had hurriedly ordered them to bring the wounded Jon to the Maester.
Sir Alliser was arrested. Brought in the dungeon together with his wounded men. The higher rank Officers of the Castle Black had decided to execute the usurpers before sunrise because Sir Alliser had never yielded and confessed of his transgression and crimes.
"How was he, Maester Aemon?" It was Sam. He had never left Jon's side since he was brought in to Maester's quarter.
"He was alright, Sam. You must never be troubled about him. He was a very strong man and had refused death." said the Maester with reassurance in his voice.
Sam was bedazzled and greatly impressed of Maester Aemon who was never gifted with sight but still carefully tended Jon's wound.
"Maester Aemon, would you mind if I may ask?"
"Yes, Tarly?"
"How did you managed tending Jon when you couldn't even see him or even his wound?"
Maester Aemon replied to Samwell Tarly with just a smile.
It's already dawn when everyone had already gathered at Castle Black's yard. All of the Night's Watch brothers bared  witness of Sir Alliser Thorne and his men's trial.
Before sunrise they were hanged to death including the boy, Olly.
As Jon Snow had finally awaken, he was asked to join the rest of the Night's Watch brothers at the trial hall.
Sam had accompanied Jon since the latter was not totally healed of his wound.
"Brothers of the Night's Watch, we gathered here today to righfully choose and cast our votes for our new Lord Commander since Lord Commander Jeor Mormont was killed by the Usurper last night." One of the higher rank officer at Castle Black had announced.
"Jon Snow! I would gladly chose Jon Snow!"
Said one of the brothers, Peter.
"Aye!" agreed of the few.
"Aye!" and so, the brothers shouted in unison.
"Lord Commander Jon Snow, that title suits you very well." Sam, in his usual smiling face had agreed too.
And before the sun sets in, Jon Snow was bestowed the title as the New Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. News had spread all over the houses of Westeros and of North proclaiming Jon Snow of the title.
Three Moons had passed, everything at Castle black were back in place and in order. All of the Brothers at Castle black have followed Jon's commands without any remorse or contradictions. They respected him as the new leader and admired his compassion  towards his men and North of the wall.
But a Raven from Winterfell had arrived at Castle Black. It had brought tragic news about Robb; his wife; and stepmother.
Sam, who was also there, had swiftly handed him the letter. Grief were also drawn on his face, so was Maester Aemon's. With dread and grief on his face, Jon had read the contents. It was handwritten by Bran.
Jon felt terrible pain in his chest of such terrible news about his family. It was Ross Bolton again. With the help of the Freys, they had massacared his family members.
"This was too much to bear! First, Ygrette and the wildlings, and now, they've killed my family! Ross Bolton and his alliance must pay! They deserved death!" Jon was enraged.
He also feared of the worst to come for the remaining true-born Stark children. He must protect them at all cost.
"I have to go home, Maester Aemon. My family needs me. They're no longer safe in Winterfell. I need to protect my family."
Jon firmly stated with a grim on his handsome face.
"You must remember Lord Commander Snow that you sworn an oath to North of the wall. Your life was here. We are your family now, not by blood but because we swore the same oath. And we were all binded by this oath for a lifetime.." Maester Aemon's said softly to Jon Snow.
Truly, Maester Aemon was right. But it was his family at stake. So, he had made his decision.

© melai2020

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