

Echoes Of Affliction
It happened again
This time more brutal than the last
Once have I heard it, multiple times I have experienced it
The silence grew louder every time it came and each time I understood its language more
Whoever said absence makes the heart grow fonder was definitely talking about a joyful one
I wonder, is the heart really an organ that refuses to learn lessons
It just absolutely refuses to be educated
The brain makes a valid statement about love but the heart bluntly discards it saying it knows better….
When the dust settles and the curtains are lifted, the emptiness mocks
Time heals all wounds, the only issue is how long it takes
The greater the extent of damage, the longer the time taken to heal
The aftermath of a love that walked away leaves echoes reoccurring like it was left on loop….
This is a poem about the heart, it beats, it pumps, and it loves.
When joyful it hops, it leaps and it jumps
When in sorrow it falls, it crawls and it morns
It needs no cable yet it connects like no other……an unparalleled mystery it really is
It feels deeply and displays the attributes of yin and yen, life and death, joy and pain, love and hate….
An enemy of heartbreak and all the hurt that comes with it
It has seen the best and the worst come and go where the only thing left is the ECHO.

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