

Our life have changed so much that we can’t even imagine of it. Due to the COVID 19 PANDEMIC. Consciously we may not be so much aware of the fact but, our brain is really aware of it unconsciously. I’m going to share a small incident which really shocked me.
Yesterday, I went to a shop. While I was buying grocery, a child was constantly asking me for money.
I didn't have any change, so I bought this kid a toffee, and continued with my work.
While this kid was still constantly asking me for money, the shop keeper shouted at him. At this, I felt a little empathetic for this little boy, so I politely asked the shopkeeper to avoid shouting at him.
The boy kept standing, and I ignored. few minutes later this boy touched me on my arm and I got freaking scared. Like really really scared and only one thought was coming on my mind that was about corona..,

© JP haldar