

Beautiful In Water
Oh just lay down by the car. No I am out of here I do not want to be ran over by you and your car. So I run away down the road and he starts chasing me and flag down a truck that takes me to
while foods and I go by the water falls.
Then as I was hiding in the water changed and I was a statue within.
Oh was just standing being wet when
a guy walks by and sees my in the water
and I free myself and jump at him so he can see I am not part of the wall fall.
And that I am real. So he can see his fantasy come to life and he did. And ran away screaming lady in the water lady in the water. So I laughed you wanted
a wet lady and then when you got it you did not know that I was not a statue.
So now I am weird for living among the weird crazy running in the day or night.
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