

The stages of spiritual change
chapter 2
I want to begin this chapter with some spiritual key points to open the door to spiritual change which will result into the new you today. To even begin to tell you of where I am in my own spiritual way of life I have to come off my high horse and accept within my innermost self that I'm barely returning from a backsliding that led to me becoming what I call HIV/AIDS which stands for Homeless In Vegas Angel In Disguise Spiritually. I do mean this literally.. I won't go into details because I'm already planning to tell of that part of my story in a book called Homeless In Vegas Angel In Disguise Spiritually. I admit I fell back into the trap but I know already that I can't dwell on what I already did! The lesson I learned is that I cannot live a spiritual way of life without spiritual help period. It still baffles me that I went back and did that which I said I wasn't going to do. Yet I see how our lives are linked to one another and we all need to do our individual part as the person we are. This way we are working towards working together. Now as you begin to look back over your life do you see how change good and bad took place in your life and has made you into the person you are today? Whether you're good or bad happy or sad you didn't become who you are overnight, correct? So my very 1st spiritual key point for chapter 2 is make a daily effort towards your spiritual way of being must be done by you. I have seen a lot of change on both sides of the open door. That became a problem when I allowed myself to fall back into various trials knowing what those trials already produced in me and around me. Why is it that we do those things to ourselves? Well the truth of it all is that we are spiritually sick people who don't see how we need spiritual help. This is why I say I died in all of my yesterdays. Grateful to be who I am as the Life Of Victorious Evangelist Jerrie Williams...
I just got so discouraged to the point I'm in tears. I was well off into this chapter already when the phone turned off in the middle of me inputting the information into the phone for this book. It deleted it up to me saying how grateful I am as the Life Of Victorious Evangelist Jerrie Williams. I normally write on paper but at the moment I freestyled what I was feeling and it all got deleted. This is one of the many things that come up against you and will have hindrance if you allow it. As my brother Amp Diggity would say True Players Play 2 Win... good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor till death do me part from this Earth. All do to my very own experiences I still am able to come back and write all that I write as the right hand of a ready writer of the truth as I see it. I honestly didn't see that coming but this is how I know spiritual change in your life on a daily basis is how you choose to believe. Spiritual key point 2 is that spiritual change happens and centers around how you think, feel, what you say and do. Quick question, how motivated would you say you are today just getting out the bed in the morning? 9 times out of 10 if you wake up in a negative way that's the way your day will go (vice versa). It's always going to be your decision how you choose to think about your life as well as the lives of others... Think about this...for real. I see it like spiritual change is not only for you, it's for whoever wants it. If you want this new way of life you have to practice what you preach. How willing are you to do what you got to do for the greater good of not only yourself but for all those around you? It's very important that you learn some spiritual skills and use them wisely. If you want lasting spiritual change that takes place in your daily life you have to daily tap into your spiritual being. What you put into your spiritual bank account you will be able to withdraw in your time of need. Quick question, how well do you listen to what's being said?
Do you know that what you listen to play a role in the process of making you who you are? Make it up to you how you choose to feel and or relate to what is being said and done to you in your life.(Trust and believe this makes a difference).
Spiritual key point 3 is you want to always maintain a level of understanding as far as the spiritual way of life takes part in your life. #4 is to always keep in mind that you're very own belief system is always going to be a work in progress. Just for today you want to stay in the mind frame of positive spiritual thinking. You also want to fully committ yourself into honestly doing what you need to be doing by participating in what needs to be done. Always work towards preparing the old you into the new you. This is exactly where I see myself at today. I share this information with you so you may share it also with others. I see it as just my way of giving honest feedback to a spiritual sick world around me. I don't expect for you to believe or receive everything that is written but I plan to constructively do my part and help to restore not only myself but others as well, (especially you as my reader). Just know and understand that Spiritual Recovery is real and I am able to know these things because of my very own experiences. Like I've already said, you honestly want to keep an open mind, especially about what you're choosing to read at this very moment. What you're reading and what you will read, reading on is going to be helpful to you as well as those you choose to share it with. There is nothing wrong with new spiritual ideas, concepts and or laws. You get to pick out what's best for you to comfortably be able to live. I know the hardest thing for me was to be who I was and be comfortable. All do to how I allowed myself to think, feel, what I said and what I did that I was too ashamed to tell the truth about. Today I know how to better spiritual commutate. Healthy spiritual communication helps us also in the process of recovering our spiritual lives that has been replaced with the things of this world around us. Just by you taking the time out to read this book takes courage to step out of yourself and look towards a spiritual Muse that is guiding you to it by way of a Divine time. You must learn of how to continue on its constant flow and where it is you should be and where it is that you must go. You must understand too that you are being led by way of a spiritual guidance that will keep you Moving In New Directions Spiritually as long as you allow it. You have to see how important it is not only to you but all those you come in contact with due to the very words that you speak of your own truth. You can help save the next person's life just by sharing your story. This also helps you accept you for you as the person you was, is now and the person you will be in your future. The purpose is to not remain in spiritual silence and put up with it's spiritual domestic violence in your mind, body and soul. Becoming different in your own way can help you with diversity by learning spiritual levels of respect for each other. True none of us have the same background. We all unique in our own thinking patterns as well as how we feel on the inside of us. You can say that as a person you are your own representation yet we face similar challenges. We can help each other in our efforts to help each other. As you grow into this process learn how not to be judgmental even towards yourself, especially in a negative way. Constructive criticism is not necessarily negative depending upon how used. It's all about what you can learn from it and how you can use it positively. Your feedback has to come from a neutral standpoint of view especially when being taught to others. One can teach and preach from good and bad experiences to gain spiritual prospectives. This is why you want to always show your consideration in regards of others in what they choose to believe in. Remember respect is just that. Is that not want you want in return? Once you're at this point you know already spiritual change is happening and you are more than ready for it.
Spiritual key point 5 is stay in tune with the way you want to go by realizing where you are at right now. As you begin to do this it will be helpful to accept that change, especially spiritually happens different with each person according to one's faith. If you don't believe that's something is possible for you and you continue to doubt, how do you expect spiritual change to come about? Spiritual unbelief will harm you in spiritual ways that causes spiritual damage to your spiritual life. Even in your precontemplation stage when you didn't see anything wrong with the way you was. You have now gained a conscience and started to realize you were being hunted by the ghost of the life you lived, devil spelled backwards, (the past) telling you how bad you was and/or even coming back to glorify your bad behaviors. Now since you are contemplating change spiritually you actually see the spiritual damage it caused to you mentally, physically and spiritually.(some more than others). Your starting to look and think about your life from a different point of view. What happens to your spiritual self when you do leave this earth? You're thinking more along the lines of eternal life... Once you see that, you are at this stage of, guess what stage??? YOUR PREPARATION STAGE! I call it the second death process which is to Deliver Every Angel / Apostle To Heaven. Preparation is a must do process because there is spiritual consequences that can lead to spiritual death which means Descend Every Atheist To Hell (the unbeliever). The ? now is are you a believer or not? Also what is it that you believe? Do you believe anything is possible? I would suggest you keep an open mind when it comes to how you think and how you feel, what you choose to say and do. No one should be able to just tell you anything and you believe it or not believe it. (catch 22) don't let anyone make you like the 1st day of April...(LMAO).
FOR REAL FOR REAL It's time you take the spiritual necessary action to get you spiritually prepared for what's next. (keep in mind no one knows the hour or the day) Let us now prepare you for your spiritual journey to the other side of who you really are. Who you are is up to you, the conclusion that you come up with. I can help you acquire a new spiritual recovery methods to help you turn the life you lived, devil backwards to a spiritual healthy way to live today. Once you start to Move In New Directions Spiritually on a daily basis you have to monitor your progress spiritual. This way you know where you need help spiritually. Continue to look forward to your spiritual recovery process. It's the labor and delivery of the spiritual new you. Do this no matter where you are spiritually, your efforts will give you a better understanding of your spiritual change that is taking place. Where do you see yourself as far as spiritual stages? Doubting that change is even possible for you has its potential to cause the greatest harm or even not realizing where you are spiritually.
Spiritual key point 6 you want to see what's being said to you in a different light. How you can read something twice and get a different meaning each time (sort of speak). What I'm staying here is that you want to rethink what you've been thinking (especially spiritually). When looking back can you see how your thinking patterns was Spiritually distorted? Consider everything of what you been learning, can you see where you stand to gain if you continue in the way you are going now? If so, let's continue... This part of spiritual change will take place in how you think back in order to see where the spiritual realm impacted you versus how the life you lived that devil backwards infected you. Alot of what you've done is embarrassing and painful also what others have done to you but to be free of these things you must admit it. For your next phase of Life it will do you no justice to hold on to these things. I realize my past was done under the influences of mind altering substances as well as spiritually not knowing what I was up against, lack of knowledge and/or understanding of the spiritual realm. The knowledge of what I had done was enough to send me in the right way to go but I still needed to consider what I really was up against. Spiritual key point 7 all negative consequences have influence on you when you limited to your spiritual knowledge. Once you know that something is wrong yet you continue to do those things it kills you on the inside. A broken you in the life you lived devil backwards became aggressive/ progressive and has became too much for you without spiritual help. The responsibility is yours to do your part, are you willing to put forth the necessary effort that it will take to put you where you need to be in your life? You have to be the connection between the spirit life and the life you lived. Both play a huge part and why you are the way you are or even why you not. There really is no easy answer in which one comes first the chicken or the egg? Ask yourself why do the things you do if only to regret them? Shift and put your energy into spiritual ways of life that you have every reason to believe in. Who and what you say you are is whatever you choose to believe... ? is what do you say and believe??? That answer is forever yours to decide....
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie