

welcome to poorly told story that will leave you having more questions that you never thought you would have in a story.
Born in a masaka a village in Uganda, there many versions of her story but theres a beautiful one where she was born by Najjemba a very hard working lady never met her but my brothers that's whr they saw the first washing machine in the village thanking her for introducing them to technology a classy lady keeping in mind that was around the '70s, I wasn't born yet. God rest her soul in peace. so that's where my mother comes in well she was the first born of her father but a second born of her mother, the first born of her mother is the lady we call mama teo very intelligent lady close to 10 years difference between her and Annette well she practically looked after her she used to move miles to take for Annette food in school,give her pocket money and loved her unfortunately she lost a wire and became mentally ill but still lives. so to the gist Annette is a modern hustler who had the potential to say no but she didnt yes she was born but the story I desire to tell where her journey of hope began.
she had her first child at 23 years well educated young lady who was trying to survive well with five mouths to feed she had only oone pair of shoe and many relatives to feed and look after I for one am a '90s child but with a teachers salary we were close to 12 people waiting on one person but luckily she always fed us. she had more hopehope than any soul could even when she had no hope she used to read bed time stories, she loves country music in specific I rember court of many colours and gospel music. well at 23 she was a beautiful young lady being yesterday was her birthday she made 67 she still beautiful and loving. a story 20,000 words isnt enough.shes my role model for she forgives those that hurt her and still shows them love and helps you need to meet her, All she is to work and provide and doesn't know how to take care of herself always looking after others. writing makes me want to cry cause am so terrible at telling your story but nevertheless its it's a beautiful one.love you mum.