

terrus ❤️road_part 2

the marital glance is over.they results are not yet.saaki was suffering too much because how could she express her love by rejecting his friend. is he accept so much doubts are sorrounded her. her parents are intrested about that groom. so she decided that she wanna accept this marriege. she told to her parents. on that day her parents got a phone call from that groom. he said he is not going to do this marriege. because he is already fallen love with another girl.he is told everything in very polite manner. and saaki's parents also convinced. he suggested one person for saaki's marriege and also he said that person is chairperson of the city.so her parents are accepted this proposal.their parents told her the she was rejected. and also said about her next marital glance. she again don't wanna go onto the terrus. she was dipressed. again she attended to her marital glance. now she don't wanna see groom's face. she don't need another rejection. suddenly the window was broken by a ball. she suddenly has seen that window side and also groom's face. she was again amazed. the white shirt guy. now he is in foramal colourfull dress.and beside of him his friend who attended previous marital glance. that guy accepted marriege on the spot. she was mesmerized.she too accepted. after some they both met at a restaurant.she wanna ask a question but while she asking a question he is saying the answer that "first time, I has seen you at in front of your college with my friend who came to your first marital glance. I liked so much. I fallowed you to know your home. and I used to fallow everyday in your college. unfortunately I has seen you on your terrus.while traffic signal is red. your looking very seriously at me. I thought you too have some crush on me at that time. so I used to come everyday evening. because I thought that you will come every day evening on terrus for relaxation. I used to come every day. but you don't.so I decided do not come. but unfortunately you came to terrus. and started seeing me. not only that day. every day you used to come. but, one day my friend said about his marital glance and invited to come with me.he took me to your home.but he know everything about us. so he is rejected you. and said one lie that he had girlfriend. and he proposed to about me for your marriege. finally we are here. and she asked another question with super excitement that what about that red signal has come while evening time when ever you came. and about white shirt. he said that he was muncipal chairperson of that city so everything in his control. so he planned like that. and in politics white shirt is must and should... these people are met by destiny. may God bless them saaki and surya....

© sindhu_learner