

December For Pagans Witches and Wicca
December For the Pagans, Wicca and Witches is a celebration of Yuletide. It begans on December 20 until January 1.
Yuletide is a family celebration with music, food and not so much about presents, commercialization, and religion.
Yuletide paves the way for Imbolic that is the beginning of spring cleaning.
Yuletide is just one Sabbat that Pagans, Wicca and Witches celebrate through the wheel that beginnings with Samhain , Yuletide, Imbolic, Ostara
Beltane, Litha, Lammas is our preparation month to get ready for Manon that is The Pagan Wicca and Witch Thanksgiving and the wheel turns again.
We celebrate the seasons.

With every Season brings something good like Autumn leaves that change color, Samhain is our New Year and the day the veil is lifted so we can honor and remember our ancestors and our love ones that have passed away. Yuletide is a family celebration and Imbolic is spring cleaning and Oastara we welcome spring, sunshine, and Beltane is our celebration of love and dancing which paves the way for Litha when summer starts and the flowers bloom and people get married.
Lammas is our celebration to prepare for the winter month.
We start to can our goods, make our jelly, and foods and with Mabon it brings on autumn leaves and it is our Thanksgiving Day on September 21.

The wheel turns again with Samhain.
© ladywicca65