

contiued on Bella my service dog
Bella and i have gone on numerous hikes, she loves being able to run free, and get in all the smells.. another favorate of hers is trying to catch frogs i know right a dog that likes catching frogs you would think that wouldn't be an intrest. Well for Bella shes no normal dog she thinks its the funnest thing to try to catch them before they jump into water, she has chaught over 20 threw the summers, she doesn't eat them she brings them out of the water and watches them hop hop back towards the water and trys to get them again before they get away, it really is a laugh watching. Bella blends into the bushes that had grown so i have to say where is my Bella and she will race out come in front of me as a mommy im right here no worries, she doesn't go far from me, she hates it when she doesn't know where i am i remember one time i was like im gonna hide and try to see if Bella can find me... That was a bad idea, i thought she was gonna have a heart attack she was racing all around and whining saddly, i said her name and she heard me but wasn't seeing me so i came out from my hiding place she saw me and it was like she hadn't seen me in years lol.. I said Bella i would never leave you and got tons of kisses, italian grey hounds are called velcro dogs shes part and i can tell she got that cause she diffently is like velcro cause she has got to always be right next to me no matter what...
She has been the greatest compaion and best friend... wanna tell you about a time where she has had to protect me, durring the summer we always did a nightly walk and we always did the same route everytime, i live in a small city as i was passing a few stores we walked past some guys on a bike, we kept on walking as we were. As we were continuing bella quickly pulled me to the side as she was trained too the person on the bike was behind us so she pulled me to side as she does and thats a too let the person past, but as i did the guy acted like he was stoping to do somthing witch i thought was strange, we went back to walking and as we were continueing Bella after a few pulled me to the side again, the same guy was behind me again, this time i was by the highschool and as we going he came up beside and asked if i had a boyfriend my responce was no cause i didn't at the time and he got closer Bella was like thats not gonna happen and she got in front of me didn't make any noise she just gave him the worst dirty look, and he said so i couldn't pay u to do somthing, I was like no way, go on your way, me and her started walking again and he was riding beside us and tryed to get in front of me and Bella immeditly got back in front of me, this time she got very close to him and sat in front of him glaring, next thing i know he took off, i am so thankful to have such a devoted dog to protect me even if shes only 25 pounds, she is very muscular though very fast as well like the itailan greyhound in her.
so thats the story for today i hope u enjoy it!