

Heartless plan for heartless man
So here we are just you and I standing in my living room face to face. As I let my mind wonder back to the last time I saw you. It feels so unbelievable to me, I never thought I would ever see you again. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever picture you and I standing face to face, much less in my living room.
So you can only imagine how I felt when you leaned in to kiss me. I was overjoyed, nervous, ecstatic all at the same time. I just couldn't seem to wrap my mind around what was actually happening, that you were actually here with me. You probably thought I was a bit odd cause I wouldn't look away. I was mesmorized by your eyes. You looked just as you looked when we were in elementary school, sure your features were alittle older, but I still found you as cute as I did when we were young. I hadn't seen you since we both lived by our old school. except now we were much older. We must have stayed talking for hours til the sun came up the next morning. I learned so many new things about you that I had not known before. I learned your mother had passed away but long after elementary school. which sadden me greatly to hear. I also learned you were married and divorced. you had 2 kids as I did. but your kids were much older than mine.