

A mystery dreamer
Write a short story that uses atleast two of the given situations:
1. An old, locked box in the attic.
2. A winding staircase that goes nowhere.
3. A broken mirror.
4. An old desk with a locked drawer.

I have a nightmare, that involved several things. Everytime , I am forced to go down a winding staircase that seems to go nowhere. But everytime, I end up in the basement with dimply lit corridors with several rooms . All the rooms are closed. I had the keys for few of the rooms for reasons unknown. I seems to know which key would go to which room. I would enter 1-3 rooms at a time. But sometimes the dream is interrupted before I reach the basement or the rooms After this dream recurred several hundred to thousands times. I found few odd things about the things I found in the room.
Room in the last corner in the right has a attic. The attic had a odd looking box. The box seemed to be locked. It was not possible to get the box down. For reasons unknown, I felt the need to exit the room within 3-5 minutes of being there. It was as if I would be struck there,if I stayed longer.
The room that was opposite to this room has no keyhole,but felt like answer to some mystery lay there. The two rooms to this room had a broken mirror, which had no reflection. But it gave creeps that some days, I would see the reflection got struck in the mirror. But for after sometime, it would feel silly.

The first room in the left from the staircase that is in the same side as the room with broken mirror has a old desk with a locked drawer. Sometimes, the mirror seems to fit more apt in this room than in the room found at the end of the corridor. But changing the mirrors place, may seems to broke the connection with the place.

The dream was mostly the same recurrence of events. Everytime it felt like the place was deserted. But once I felt there is someone in that place, as I was about to enter the fourth room. Instinctively, I entered the room with the broken mirror felt like seeing my reflection for the first time. But no reflection was in the mirror. when I left the room, I felt that the place was again deserted. It was first time, I took the staircase from the basement to the top of the building and the dream ended when I exited the basement.

This nightmare become my routine in my night life. All was sailing was recurring until one day.
Let's call this day Xth Day. I saw the winding staircase in the dream. I went down the stairs,the journey was shorter than the previous times. First time, I went down the stairs with no fear. I entered the room with a old desk with locked drawer first, which I used to visit in the end. I felt panic and calmness rising in my mind. The conflict of feelings made me feel confused. I saw an envelope in the desk for the first time. The envelope had a letter .
I took the letter from the envelope and returned the envelope to the desk. I read the letter by sitting by the chair at the end of that room, which had a tiny lamp near it. The letter was pretty strange
"Dear Stranger,
If you are reading the letter, you have time to escape this nightmare unseen. Please return the letter to the envelope as you have taken it. A unbroken mirror looks nice in this desk. But not without the Cosmetic items which are now in the attic. Don't forget the fourth room has something, you want to get, but can't be obtained without being seen.
After,I read the letter,I returned to the envelope. I felt to enter the fourth room, which I had tried to enter once, when I felt the presence.
When I approached the room, I felt it was not locked. I entered the room, found it had no things expect a stool. i took the stool to the room which had a locked box in the attic. i put the stool and climbed it and took the locked box. I returned the Stoll to its place. I panicked that I have not seen my reflection in the mirror, for the letter mention to be seen before taking the box from the attic. Strangely the mirror seems to be fixed. I took the mirror in the hurry and locked box to the room with the old desk with the locked drawer. I arranged the old box and the mirror on the desk . I went back to close the door, which I had left open. I felt something odd and went again to the room with the old desk. The mirror seems to be kept in the reverse direction. I took the mirror and put it in the right direction and took the locked box. I returned the box to the desk, such that it's reflection will not be visible in the mirror. Then my dream ended.
Next day, however my dream begin in the room with the old desk with locked drawer, locked box and the mirror. Instead of facing the winding staircase, I was almost facing the mirror. I took some effort to open the box, which had cosmetic items in it. I locked the box, returned to its original place with the help of the stool. I had returned the stool to its place and took the winding staircase. When u exited the basement, the dream did not end. I seems to be there for sometime. I felt I was in some building which was part of a palace. The dream ended abruptly.
The next day, I saw the winding staircase in the dream. I went down the stairs, found the old box in the attic in the last room, broken mirror in the 2 rooms from the last and stool in the middle room. When I entered the first room, I found the old desk with locked drawer, mirror and Cosmetics items in it, just I had kept in the dream two days earlier. I was preplexed it was in the same place as I had left.
A face appeared in the mirror and asked me "What do you want from me"
I replied " I want to stop having nightmares in as strange places."
The mirror replied "So be it,this room shall be yours for enternity and shall not be nightmare as long as you return to this room"
when I exited the room, I saw a strange guard, who saw me with stern face. "Please return to your room."
When I tried to reply, the guard added " for now. you shall visit the ground floor after as sometime".
I entered my room hesitantly and found the old chair at the end of the room and sat in it. I Found some books and stared reading it in the lamp near the chair. After few hours, I panicked that the dream has not ended and started feeling more like a reality than a dream.
I felt a knock knock on the door.when I opened the door, the guard who told me to go inside was outside.
The guard " This place is real and what is happening is not dream but true reality happening to you. Sathya , from today, you are one of the Prince of Dreamers World."
Prince Sathya seemed strange, but this place felt like home.
The Guard added "Please get ready to met the King in 2 Twilight time. if you need anything you can summon me. My name is Xylon"
I asked innocently what is 2 Twilight time. The guard answered "The tome when I have knocked 100th time on your door. As time passed, the guard knocked on the door once in reqular interval. I found the 100th knock will be 2 days from now. I found the room was big with bed, attached bathroom, library, kitchen and dining table. I read the books, which were mostly fiction.
I started living in this place, I belong to this place. I showered, ate, read and slept.
After two days, there was a heavy knock on the doot. I opened the door saw the same guard was in different attire. I was prepared for his arrival and I too was looking like a prince. The guard asked " Prince are you ready. Do you want to ask me anything"
I ,Prince Sathya asked "Can you tell me something about the books of Elvish elders"
The guard replied " All said in the book are true and real."
I was unable to understand and felt shocked to learn.
The guard said you shall visit the king in 2 hours, I shall guide you through to the Second Tower. Alas the King was in the Top tower ie First Tower.
The guard added as if knowing, " No one can prepare you for the First Tower, but it help to navigate till the Second Tower"
To be Continued

© Sathyanarayanan Keerthi

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