

Dear: Test results
Dear test results,

I always start you on a good note. But time, And time again. You get me on a lower note. Never have I failed to write you but you always fail to understand me. I am not a program, I have my own set of words, my own thoughts but you take that away from me.

Was it always that you enjoy ruining my life. I studied like a top of the line scammer but not even that was enough for you to make a fool in your charade. And like a fool I am still here.

At your core. With my procrastination. As you prepare to let all hell loose.
I would ask for a way out if it didn't include a riddle, or test, or chances. Just gratitude. But you run on a checklist. If it isn't there its wrong.

Dear test results, I sometimes wonder if you are worth it. Crumbling down towards you, in front of you... all the more embarrassing.

Worst regards,
© Staircase