

The Cleanser Of Sunny Side

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.Nothing at this point made sense "How could I run from my own being?"I asked myself as mind baffled and heart racing ,I struggled to find the proper words.What was happening.....Why did I kill them?...Why was I so broken?...Why did my actions daunt me after?This dream was horrid all i wanted was to make it stop so badddd but it was somewhat similar to my real life.

I had too many questions and not so many answers.As I was too caught up in my thoughts,I didnt hear the foot steps that slowly approached me.My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as I looked down at my hands drenched in blood,I did it...I killed my oppressors,I had rid the world of horrible people but I also had now become a horrible person.It didnt feel as good as I thought it would be.At 16 I was a murderer but at 4months I had already been a reject then at 13 a sex slave to my own father.How I hated life,the way my smile grew as I Tied him up and slowly but painfully castrated the man that took my innoccence yet gave life to me.Let me tell you one thing its quite funny to watch them beg for mercy when they once laughed at yoir tears..."Crocodile tears"he said..."I know you like the way I make you feel"he cooed.

His blood on my hands gave way to a demon from within,He wasnt my first victim but he sure was the one I put alot of effort into keeping alive.Call me want you want...I wont say it was justice because we all oddly have our own definition of that shit regardless of whether you are a victim or the perpetrator himself.Well in my not so normal tale it was never justice even though I deserved alot of that or in my words "Shit loads of justice"...I call the reasoning for my actions self-gratification or just means to appease my blood thirsty demons and the voices that later joined me in my short journey through life.It has never been rainbows and unicorn shit on my side of the world but it all would one day make a good story ...haha

Well this is a rather not so pleonastic prologue to a short,blood stained,sexual tale.

I hope you enjoy I am Melanie Stokes,age 16 born and raised in Sunny Side South Africa.I honestly dont know why they call this town Sunny Side there is nothing Sunny about a small town harbouring a bunch of hypocritse and vandalized building in the middle of nowhere.
The alarm goes of taking me away from my prince as I was having a dream work dying for,I groan as I cover my face,turning to lie on my stomach .I poke my hand out of my warm,black raven themed covers attempting but obviously failing to turn the alarm off ,"What the!?omg damn where is the..."before i could even finish my statement my dad barges into my room,hovers over my obviously trembling body."Melanie what the hell !Your fucking watch woke me up are you happy now?Huh!?ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY YOU LITTLE BITCH!"
He just continued to yell as he grabbed my face bringing it up to his own before a smirk slowly made its way to his lips,I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified,my body trembled beneath his. "Look at me when I talk to you...I asked your dumb,scared,ugly self if you are happy about this."he stated,his voice was calm yet terrifying,my eyes slowly made their way to his face.I blinked away the tears before gulping and asnwering slowly"No sir I'm not happy I'm sorry dad...I didnt mean to."my voice came out cracking.Shortly after he got off the bed and grabbed me by the colar of my pyjamas dragging me to the bathroom at this point I no longer fought,I just cried as he pushed me into the shower pouring powdered soap onto my freezing body as I curled up into a ball underneath the shower.He later left the bathroon after spiting on my hair,I hated Max oh yeah thats his name...Max my dad he was once a nice man before he met my mom I once heard its weird how she knows he beats on me but does nothing.I'm her daughter or atleast I thought I was but to them I am nothing more than a mistake,their true child,a male child will be born in roughly about a week or so.The beatings got worse after the pregnancy,worse part is I tried getting help but appearantly they're well connected and no one dare believes what I say in this fucked up town which is sad but soon enough I'll be heard.Thoughts of ending Max's life fill my head and puts a smile on my head,I hesitantly approach the kitchen with my school bag loosely hanging off my shoulder "Good morning Melanie,whats that smell?Wait...is that no...you have to be kidding me!!!YOU WASH WITH MY FUCKING LAUNDRY SOAP NOW!WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!THE BABY IS...."as she yells her voice slowly goes quiet as she groans holding her stomach."Mom it wasn't me it was Max"I say lowly,I honestly dont wanna get beat again,so I just grab a slice of toast and walk to school.I wasn't the happiest of kids but I was sure as hell determined to make the most of my horrid life...I think to myself as I approach my school and walk up to Cici Martinez my bestfriend.

××××××time lapse×××××××

School is not all so dandy either I get teased for being different I think its also about my skin color but honestly I dont care,if you forgot I live with Satan's spawn Maxwell Stokes such thoughts feel my head before Cici rudely interrupts them."So girl...uh how is that thing going?"she asks in a hush voice as her eyebrows wiggle at me,"What thing Cee?"I ask honestly feelibg dumfound before I get an answer she pulls me to a corner and mouths the words 'collecting evidence in order to report Max'.
"Ohhhh that lol..its going good I'm doing it tonight"I say smiling as I imagine Maxwell behind bars."Its going to be great"I state looking at my bestfriend as pity and concern flush her innocent face."I'm glad for you,you shall be free once after all boo"she says hugging me,our eyes lock and I just lose control of my being and grab her my her jawline before smashing my lips onto hers...
We stay like that for a few seconds before I start to painck

'Fuck...fuck..fuck...fuck..I shouldn't have done that, You're so fucking stupid'

I just yell at myself before I can continue doing so Cici's soft voice brings me back to reality."I like you Melanie but nah like that also the Elders would'nt approve"she says before pecking my cheek and waving good bye.

I honestly can't help but curse the Elders because if it weren't for them maybe Cici could've reacted a bit better or possible loved me back,I boil with anger but choose to just tune out everything as I start to walk home."Shit the police station"my brain yells...I turn on my heels running toward the police station as I attemp to make a case against Max."Hi I am Melanie Stokes I'm here to file a case against my dad Maxwell Stokes"once those words left my mouth the whols academy started to laugh at me."Maxwll Stokes huh...you see gentlemen this is what happens when these ungrateful kids start smoking crap"the deputy said,smirking at me."Hey I'm serious i have ptoof LISTEN TO ME!!!"I yell obviosuly pissed as I pour the contents of my school bag on the counter showing them the pictures of my bruises,my cuts,the recordings but instead of that there were pictures of Cici and I,I was baffled, utterly shook.Then it clicked It actually dawned on me Max was right I could never go against him in this town."Little lady watch your mouth also Conor take her home and inform Chancellor Stokes of her current action...He was right you are one troubled girl,picked these out of the interner I see."He said mocking me,I was so enraged but before I could take any action a group of officers escorted me out to a squad car that drove me home.When I arrived without a doubt Max was going to kill me but oddly I arrived to an empty house and a note stating my mom was giving birth.
I felt bitter,worse,I just wanted them back so that I could give them a piece of my mind for once.

××××time lapse××××××

"SHE WHAT!WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!!!WHERE!!!"I shot up from my sleep terrified Max was back and he wasnt pleased with my recent doings.I lie back down on my bed awaiting his presence,I wasn't ready for him persay but I sure had convinced myself that death would come tonight and he'll hear what I have to say.Max walks in with his belt wrapped tightly around his hand,the slashes become gradually painful,my skin changes shades but Max doesn'f stop...."I'll show you tonight...I will make you learn you little whore!"he utters undoing his pants,before I knew it his pants where on the floor he had just taken my innocence my own father just raped me.Saying that aloud made me cringe,the sun rose to scars obtained from scrubbing on my melanin skin,I still felt him all over me.This changed me,I got dressed then went out to the corner store and bought a few items on the drive home I went to the police station,broke in at the back and poured poison into their water system.One by one they'll die today I thought to myself as I walked back to my bicycle,cycling home.When I reached the house I grabbed rope and a pan,bashed both my mom&Max on the head rendering them unconcious as I tied them up."Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacy(bacon)"I uttered in a sinister tone as they awoke from their daze.
"Untie me you bitch"Max said clearly unhappy lol if only I cared,"No no Maxy I call the shots here sweet stuff and first things first my rapist cant have such a pretty face"I say grabbing a knife from tge counter and slashing his face from beneath his eye to his jawline,his screams filtered by agony aroused me oddly but the creature its self disgust me.From there I cut from the same place on the other side of his face before unbuckling his pants,sedating my shitty excuse of a father.I pulled his body over our round table,the one I never set at in doing so I untied my mom at gun point as I handed her a knife before pulling down Max's boxers revealing his member."DONT EAT ON MY ROUND TABLE MELANIE,DONT TOUCH MY STUFF MELANIE,IS THAT MY FUCKING COMB MELANIE!!!!HUH I TOLD YOU HE BEAT ME,HE RAPED ME,YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MOTHER...ALEX(the baby)DOESN'T NEED YOU AROUND...YOU WHORE NOW CUT IT OFF!!CUT IT THE FUCK OFFFF!!YOU AINT MY MOM AND HE AINT MY DAD AND MAX SURE IS NOT A MAN SO HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE A P***S CUT IT OFF!! NOW!"I lower my voice once the baby starts crying as my mother walks over to her husband,hands trembling as she grips his member sobing."NOW!" i yell frustrated,she slides the blade across the base of his member as blood spews onto her face,she cries,trembling as her body falls to the floor.Her eyes then turn to the baby as she attemps to crawl towards Alex,I then walk towards the cradle before squating down till my face is parallel to hers "No mom remember now I said Alex doesnt need a mother like you."after uttering those words I grab Alex and the rest of his belongings,I could never kill an innocent child.So I shoot my mom in the head before walking out of the door coming back to hang the pretty much alive Max out porch with his member shoved into his now lifeless body before taking note of his vibrating phone...its a text message from -Cici-We need to talk I love you but I cant keep doin this,I need to tell my parents and possibly Mel*-
Honestly I felt so sick but I knee what had to be done.

"See now your big sister is ridding Sunny Side of all the evil people that live in it,We have one more stop before I search for a good home for you baby boy"I said driving out of the drive way heading to Cici's house parking the car a couple of blocks away as I make my way towards Cici's porch.I ring the door bell and hear her utter 'I'm coming' before opening the door."Why do you have blood on you Mel?"she asks with concern."I killed Max and I know you were involved with him..how could you though?how could you let him get to you like that!???"I ask near screaming at her as I take out the gun that has already claimed a life.As I walk towards her slowly I grab her by her haur yanking her towards me before placibg the gun on her head."Why!!"I just ask as I close my eyes.She slams me against the lounge mirror,knocking the gun out of my hand before grabbing it and pulling the trigger on me."Mmmmmmm....Cici I just had to see how far you'd go for Max...you'd really kill me for him...now I know"i state walking towards her,yanking her uo by her hair as i lay a knife on her jagular."He is the father of my unborn child,I had to swao the evidence so that you aint get him arrestex also I learnt to love him unlike you so kill me Mel if you want"she says tears streaming down her face,I killed my own mom emotionlessly but I'm in tears about to kill the woman I loved but later found out she was a back stabber that on its own killed me right now.So I close my eyes as the knife becomes one with her neck,her lifeless body huts the floor without missing a beat.After doing so I call 911 reporting the murders...as I leave the house setting it on fire.I walk towards my car with Alex in the back...As I pass Cici's house I see cops arrive and not a minute later one by one they drop like flies....

They came,I ran,not only from them but myself also.....As I drive ou of town I knock at the door leaving my baby brother at a house of a family I once knew with a Letter and whats remaining of his belongings before killing what remains of Melanie Stokes and birthing a new creation.

Song:Melanie Martinez-Dead to me
"as i wrote i listened to this song damn💜"